
A book whose text filled the world

كتاب علي نصه ملأ الدنيا

1. A book whose text filled the world
A glorious book that embodied glory and supremacy

١. كتاب علي نصه ملأ الدنيا
كتابٌ مجيدٌ طبَّق المجد والعليا

2. We have never known a revelation sent down to us
More eloquent than this revelation that preceded inspiration

٢. فلم ندر وحيٌ منزلٌ جاءنا به
رسولاً ام التنزيل قد سبق الوحيا

3. With it the tablets of Moses and even his staff shine
Snatching from Pharaoh what they denied out of enmity

٣. تلوح به الواح موسى بل العصا
تلقف من فرعون ما افكوا بغيا

4. If it were to be measured for eloquence of expression
Its eloquence would render the measurer mute

٤. فلو قيس قسٌّ في فصاحة لفظه
لردَّت لنا قسّاً فصاحته عيّاً

5. When the seal of that book is opened
Literature is perfumed by its fragrance

٥. اذا فضَّ من ذاك الكتاب ختامه
تعبَّقت الآداب من طيبه ريَّا

6. It exudes a scattered and folded fragrance with the morning breeze
We open it scattered and fold it carefully

٦. يفوح لنا نشراً وطيّاً مع الصبا
فننشقه نشراً ونلثمه طيا

7. We kiss every word of its title
Embossed with musk like a soft lip

٧. نقبِّل من عنوانه كل لفظة
مدبجة بالمسك كالشفة اللميا

8. It appears to us adorned in the dress of a bride
When it emerges in the sun, shaming it with its attire

٨. تبدَّت لنا تزهو بزي خريدة
اذا برزت للشمس تخجلها زيا

9. Our eyes flirt with it as if
Flirting with Layla Al-Akhiliyya or Um Riyah

٩. تغازلها منا العيون كأنما
تغازل ليلى الأخيلية ام ريا

10. Who can convey to Suhban its eloquence
Numbering it, inscribing it and embellishing it

١٠. فمن مبلغ سحبان عني بلاغة
انمنمها رقماً وانقشها وشيا

11. And who can make Ibn Al-Amid see again
Inscriptions seen neither awake nor in a dream

١١. ومن ذا يعيد ابن العميد لكي يرى
تقاريض لا يقظاً رآها ولا رؤيا

12. When we saw wisdom while it was confidential
We whispered in it what they had kept secret

١٢. ولما رأينا الرشد وهو سريرة
لسري ابحنا فيه ما كتموا غيّا

13. A minister who dispensed justice in every town
Without burden, appointing resolve and opinion as his ministers

١٣. وزيراً افاض العدل في كل بلدة
بلا وزر واستوزر الحزم والرأيا

14. How many a book has he refuted
And how many legions has he routed with his pen

١٤. فكم من كتاب ردَّ فيه كتيبة
ومن قلم اجرى به جحفلا جريا

15. We have never seen the efforts of governors like his
In speech, and what governor can match his efforts

١٥. فلم نرَ سعياً للولاة كسعيه
حديثاً وهل والٍ يقابله سعيا

16. If we had heard of the like in the past
We would see that as hearsay and your efforts as visible

١٦. ولو قد سمعنا في القديم فأنما
نرى ذاك مسموعاً وسعيك مرئيا

17. With a dam, that even if Alexander dammed it
It would be split by the days, but not this one

١٧. بسدٍّ اذا ما سدّ اسكندر وهي
بصدع من الايام لم ينصدع وهيا

18. If Dhu Al-Qarnayn desired a dam as his pair
Yours would be the dam in the world

١٨. اذا رام ذو القرنين سدّاً قرينه
على عزمه سدُّك في الدنيا

19. You made it an iron bridge with arches
With nails that cannot be removed, constantly boiling

١٩. فصيَّرته جسراً حديدا مقنطرا
وزندك لا ينفك مقتدحا وريا

20. You shackled the Euphrates’ Jinn, protecting it
Perplexing the Jinn there and making them forgetful

٢٠. وعقَّلت جنّي الفرات معوذاً
فحيَّرت جنِّيا هناك وانسيا

21. You revived for us one buried and dead with determination
Many a tall one died and many you gave life

٢١. فاحيا لنا ميتاً دفينا بهمة
همام وغى كم قدا مات وكم احيى

22. Its vanguards in every west and east
Appear western in obstinacy and eastern in disposition

٢٢. طلائعه في كل غرب ومشرق
تطالع غربيّاً عنيدا وشرقيا

23. Even the wild beasts were frightened by the fury of its vengeance
Until the wolf assumed the role of shepherd for the flock

٢٣. لقد راع حتى الوحش باس انتقامه
الى ان تولى الذئب بالثُّلة الرعيا

24. You have spread good governance in the regions
Where the flock of the subjects spend the night watched over

٢٤. وقد بثَّ في الاقطار حسن رعاية
يبيت بها سرب الرعية مرعيا

25. Through it the law of kingdoms was established
Proclaiming for the King of Kings, "at your service!"

٢٥. به قام ناموس الممالك معلناً
لملك ملوك الدهر حيهلا هيا