1. The fever came, so he hurried to your heart with solace
Welcome to the one who brought us intimacy and joy
١. وافى الحمى فامط على قلبك التراحا
أهلا بمن بثّ فينا الأنس والفرحا
2. His eyes found peace in the house of God, humble
Lowering his gaze from all but God, he had no other ambition
٢. قد قرَّ عيناً ببيت اللَه خاشعة
تغض طرفا لغير اللَه ما طمحا
3. He passed, caressing the corners of His house
Turning his face from favors, he was unappeasable
٣. ومرَّ يمسحُ في اركان كعبته
صفاح وجه عن المعروف ما صفحا
4. He circled the house seven times and bent over in Mina
There he attained gifts in Mina after effort
٤. وطاف بالبيت سبعاً وانحنى لمنى
فنال فوق مناه في منى المِنَحا
5. When he finished his Hajj and provision
He turned the reins, urging the beautiful horse
٥. لما قضى ما قضى من حجه وطراً
الوى العنان يحثُّ الأينق الطلحا
6. So he returned, white, drawing rain from the clouds
And he returned, his face blackened from the sun
٦. فعاد أبيض يستسقى الغمام به
وعاد اسود وجه البين قد كلحا
7. We were counting the days from when
Time had been miserly with him, but then generous
٧. كنا نعدُّ له الايام من زمن
قد ضنّ فيه زمانا ثم قد سمحا
8. He swayed playfully in the bend of the valley
No wonder the fever made his body sway cheerfully
٨. فاهتز في مرح عطف الغري به
لا غرو أن هزّ عطفيه الحمى مرحا
9. How many wounds were healed through his arrival
O living one who came to cure worries and wounds
٩. كم قرحة برئت منا بمقدمه
يا حي من جاء يبري الهم والقرحا
10. He appeared and the forum of virtue shone radiantly
The pearls of knowledge and the path of truth became clear
١٠. بدا فأشرق نادي الفضل وابتهجت
غر العلوم ونهجُ الحق قد وضحا
11. The garden of the sublime blossomed with its tall trees
The fresh greenery and dripping dew became moist
١١. ورفّ روض العلى تزهو بواسقه
غَض النبات وشوءبوب الندى دلحا
12. And fate was generous, hopes prevailed
Glory became fertile, time healed
١٢. والدهر اسعف والامال قد ظفرت
والمجد اخصب ربعاً والزمان صحا
13. Fervor grew strong, pains were cured
Illness grew distant, troubles withdrew
١٣. والوجد اقلع والآلام فد برئت
والسقم ازمع نأيا والعنا نزحا
14. We stood to greet a shining welcome in the east
Like the sun rising on the horizon at dawn
١٤. قمنا نحيّي محيّاً واضحاً شرقا
كالشمس تشرق في افق السماء ضحى
15. As if we were a slope of joys inclined
Toward us from comfort, each drinking a cup
١٥. كأننا وطلى الافراح مائلةٌ
بنا من الراح كلٌّ شاربٌ قدحا
16. A deep, vast ocean, deep of floor, turbulent
Flooding with the overflow of knowledge poured forth
١٦. بحرٌ غزير عميق القعر ملتطمٌ
طاغي العباب بفيض العلم قد سفحا
17. He obtained the essence of virtue, drawing it forth
While the misguided trailed behind, splashing
١٧. جلى فاحرز صفو الفضل مغترفا
وضل من ضل يحسو خلفه الرشحا
18. If you hear traits of al-Husayn, then take
What is proven of him, clear and evident
١٨. ان كنت تسمع نعتاً بالحسين فخذ
ما صحَّ عنه عيانا ويك واتضحا
19. He is the brilliant one in the battleground of knowledge
He is the surging one where the lead ran fast
١٩. هو المجلي بمضمار العلوم أجل
وهو الجموع بمجرى السبق اين نحا
20. You have timeless glorious feats
Remaining for nights of sorrows and clearness
٢٠. مآثر لك لم تبرح مخلدة
تبقى حجول الليالي الدهم والوَضحا
21. O best of those who visited God's house in pilgrimage
And came adorned with forgiveness, elated
٢١. ياخير من أمَّ بيت اللَه معتمرا
وآب يرفل بالغفران منبجحا
22. I did not listen to the blames of blamers against you
Or lend an ear to slander calling you
٢٢. لم أصغ عذل عذول في علاك هذي
او تصغينَّ للاح ي نداك لحا
23. If my praise shone between people, your glory prompts me
To compose, so assign in your traits the praise
٢٣. ان راق بين الورى مدحي فمجدك لي
يملي فارقم في اوصافك المدحا
24. Then greet in peace, remain for the visitors, a garden of Mina
With unlocked orchards, lit and lamped
٢٤. فاسلم ودم وابق للرواد روضُ منىً
طلق الحدائق مغبوقاً ومصطبحا