
Give me the cup and soothe the heart's meaning,

عاطنيها وارح قلب المعنى

1. Give me the cup and soothe the heart's meaning,
For passion is gentle and the voice of the singer is melodious.

١. عاطنيها وارح قلب المعنَّى
فالهوى رقّ وشاجي الصوت غنى

2. Give me a cup, take a cup, and leave what
Has preoccupied the ascetic here and there.

٢. عاطني كاساً وخذ كاسا ودع ما
لفَّق الناسك من هنَّا وهنا

3. Invite her to drink from its cups,
For we have built up over time and then returned.

٣. واعدها مترعاً أَقداحها
فلقد تبنا زمانا ثم عدنا

4. We drank the wine in its tavern,
And it softened speech and meaning for us.

٤. قد شربنا الخمر في حانوتها
ولقد رَّقت لنا لفظاً ومعنى

5. We slaughtered its declension with Ibn Ghammaam,
And sacrificed the daughter of Zarjoon for her sake.

٥. وقتلنا صرفها بابن غمام
ونحرنا لابنة الزرجون دنَّا

6. We disputed it with the eyes of a young gazelle,
Who glanced at it and lent it an ear.

٦. واختلناها بعيني شادنٍ
سرّح الواشي به عيناً واذنا

7. We gathered in the shade of the oak,
Then dispersed after our solitude and pairs.

٧. وانطوينا طية الدملج جمعا
وانتشرنا بعد وحدانا ومثنى

8. We draw the fragrance and how much scent
Has wafted from it onto the meadow we inhaled.

٨. نسحب الريط وكم من عبقري
عبق منه على الروض سحبنا

9. In it we sang the melodies to a gazelle
Who inclined towards dunes and valleys.

٩. بي غزالا بمغانيه اغنَّا
راح ينحو البان والوادي الاغنا

10. In the garden of sadness sprang a spring
Whose rushing waters embraced its banks.

١٠. وربيعا روض الجزع بخبتٍ
نافج منه بطفل الروض حضنا

11. It gushed in the lap of vine leaves, eager
As the vines leaned over to nurse it in clusters.

١١. هبَّ في حجر الخزامى ساغباً
فانحنت ترضعه الانواء مزنا

12. The ostriches toyed with it until provoked
The eyes of the narcissi to blink.

١٢. عبثت فيه النعامى فاستفزَّت
من سواهي اعين النرجس جفنا

13. The drum of thunder beat loudly
Raising its flags over the land it conquered.

١٣. دقَّ طبل الرعد فاستشرفها
رافعاً اعلامه في الارض دكنا

14. Whenever the rain wept at the edge,
The lightning smiled and winked back at it.

١٤. كلما الغيث بكى في حافة
عرض البرق بها يضحك وهنا

15. O changer of the noble, untainted saliva,
And changer of the pure, immaculate eye!

١٥. يا معير الرشأ الاغيد جيداً
ومعير الجؤذر الوسنان عينا

16. O rival of the rising moon in face,
And competitor of the sun in brilliance and beauty!

١٦. ومباهي القمر الطالع وجهاً
ومضاهي الشمس اشراقا وحسنا

17. Your cheeks are like the smooth, curving spear shaft
That straightens every time the spear inclines.

١٧. وخدين السلب اللدن قواما
كلما رنَّح رمح القد لدنا

18. To build your singing-house in the sand suffices me -
My heart is your singing-house, O gazelle of the sand!

١٨. ان يبن بالرمل مغناك فحسبي
لك قلبي يا غزال الرمل مغنى

19. My heart has no joy in my own happiness
Since the gum trees arrived at Laban.

١٩. ما لقلبي عنك اسعادٌ بسعدي
حيث حلَّت ولبانات بلبني

20. You have a languorous eye - if not for
Its glance, the sword would not have drawn the scabbard.

٢٠. لك عين دعجة لو لم يكن
لحظها السيف لما قدَّ المجنَّا

21. I have gained nothing from being near it except that I
Was given a burden while it gained distinction.

٢١. لم افز بالقرب منها غير أني
بؤت بالوزر وفازت بالمهنا

22. Just as the bunches of Sifa gained
An auspicious marriage to the blessed Yemen.

٢٢. مثلما فازت معاقيد الصفا
بزفاف قارنٍ باليمن يمنا

23. They are the fruits of the blossoming tree which
Only bestows its prime produce to be picked.

٢٣. هم ثمار الشجر النضر الذي
ليس يجنى الفضل الا منه يجنى

24. Branches it watered so its unions
Hung with fruit, branch after branch.

٢٤. وغصونٌ بسقت ايكاتها
فتدلَّت بالجنى غصنا فغصنا

25. Every branch it put forth from its roots
Elevated an edifice to the highest honor.

٢٥. كل فرع سلَّ من جرثومة
رفعت للشرف العلوي مبنى

26. A disposition in which no blame can be found -
I am to it in that as I am.

٢٦. شيمٌ لم يتصف فيها مراءٌ
غيره انّي له في ذاك انَّى

27. And a generosity that never resembled
One who is stingy - and the young man is as we are.

٢٧. وعطاء لم يشب يوماً بمنّ
والفتى من لم يشب بالجود منَّا

28. As the young man was, so too was the elder -
Whether valiant, truthful, or skilled.

٢٨. مثلما كان الفتى كان الجدى
ان يكن شهماً فصدقا او فمينا

29. Tell the one who judged it otherwise than us:
"You have judged not from experience, but from supposition."

٢٩. قل لمن قد قاس فيه غيره
قست لا عن خبرة بالتبر تبنا

30. It gives its all with its staff,
And doubly compensates the redness of bodies with bodies.

٣٠. يهب البدن جميعاً بعصاها
ولكم ضاعف حمر البدن بدنا

31. A critic, if he is generous, enriches generosity,
Just as heavy rain, when generous, enriches.

٣١. عارضٌ إِن جاد اغنى جوده
وكذا الغيث اذا ما جاد اغنى

32. It contained ambitions it harbored
Other than attaining glory, if our cheeks were not satisfied.

٣٢. قد حوى من همم ماهمَّها
غير نيل المجد اذ لم ترض خدنا

33. What you declared about the excellence of traits is true -
Today, who is the father that is nicknamed "Virtuous"?

٣٣. صحَّ ما صرحت في حسن السنا
لمن اليوم ابا محسن يكنى

34. He ceaselessly strikes the ears of the adversary with poetry
Whose impact resounded from him with life's blows.

٣٤. لم يزل يقرع سمع الخصم زجل
وقعه منه بهام الدهر رنَّا

35. A tongue that pulls out tongues with speech,
Vicious to tongues, if they dare to be impudent.

٣٥. لسنٌ يستلُّ بالقول لساناً
لوذعياً غادر الالسن لكنا

36. He related the sheer sublime from his grandfather,
And from him we related the sheer sublime.

٣٦. قد روى محض العلى عن جدّه
وله محض العلى نحن روينا

37. He handed down the religion with what - if paired -
With his pearls, his night would claim to outshine the meteors.

٣٧. قلَّد الدين بما لو قرنوها
بالدراري لا دَّعت بالشهب غبنا

38. My words failed to fully express it,
So leave speech and take the meaning of the pearls.

٣٨. ضنَّ فيها البحر لفظا بفمي
فدع اللفظ وخذ للدر معنى