
My eyes flirt with him, so delicate and refined

أمغازلي بالطرف مرهف

1. My eyes flirt with him, so delicate and refined
And he returns my glances with his slender, willowy frame

١. أمغازلي بالطرف مرهف
ومقابلي بالقدّ أهيف

2. His eyelashes pierce me like swords and sharpened spears
While the braided belt wraps snug around his slim waist

٢. لي من جفونك والقوا
م السيف والرمح المثقف

3. His supple quiver bounces lightly as he walks
Bearing the weight of his heavy tail with ease and grace

٣. ومهفهفٌ عقد النطاق
على قضيب نقاً مهفهف

4. He increases my burden with his narrow hips
Fluid in motion, his curled forelock dancing as he prances

٤. مجدول مستنّ الوشاح
قصيف معتدل المقصف

5. With soothing conversation, though reserved and shy
His neck arched as he nudges gently with his graceful legs

٥. ومرجرج الردف الثقيل
خفيف طي الكشح مخطف

6. His alluring glances have ensnared me
With modest gazes, lowered yet so meaningful

٦. قد زادني كلفاً به
خصرٌ بدعص نقاً تكلف

7. His beauty brands my heart like a fiery seal
As if stamped by a craftsman pressing precious coins

٧. سمح السوالف عاقص
من مرسل الجعد المعكف

8. A lazy horse lagging behind the lead
Dragging his feet, reluctant in the race

٨. واختال يطعن قدّه
بمقدم الخيلين بالصف

9. Plodding heavily over rugged terrain
Squinting through the dark veil of night

٩. خالسته النظر المريب
بفاسق النظر المعفف

10. Give me your radiance, bright as stars that shine
Rise my love, and greet me with your glowing light

١٠. بالنار يطبع وجنةً
فكأنما دينار صيرف

11. For you my heart has melted, seeping from each pore
And mingled with the tears that I can no longer keep inside

١١. كسلان يرفع رفرفا
عن سابقه ويجرُّ رفرف

12. You who has been granted such nobility and grace
Not grasping nor presumptuous, but with humility

١٢. امدعدع الطَّاسات في
غلس وجفن الليل اوطف

13. Oh son of highborn lineage, your perfume is intoxicating
Your critics stand no chance to build their feeble case

١٣. من لي بريقك قرقفاً
قم عاطني بالريق قرقف

14. Glory clings to you, generosity is your mark
Wisdom, sincerity, and counsel you impart

١٤. بك قد اذبت حشاشة
نزفت مع الدمع المكفكف

15. In you I glimpse the finest qualities
Were it not for such refinement, I would say divine

١٥. ومؤلف للفضل ما
قد شدّ منه وما تألف

16. As for the Sacred House and crowds who've come to worship there
None more deserving to circle round that noble shrine

١٦. يا ابن الغطارف افرخت
ضرم الشذا بازاً تغطرف

17. In pilgrim garb they humbly walk, fulfilling their Hajj rites
Raising their voices in exaltation at that holy site

١٧. والضاربين بكل ممتنع ال
ذرى بيتا مسجَّف

18. Glorious is the knowledge you have gained and now possess
Fearsome, momentous, an honor you've been blessed

١٨. المجد اتلع والمكارمُ
سمحة والرأي محصف

19. To lead all those who've stood at Arafat's rocky height
And those who've prayed and reflected through the long day's light

١٩. تصبيك منك شمائلٌ
لولا الفخامة قلت اهيف

20. As well as those who've purified themselves from sin
Walking the paths between Safa and Marwah's hills

٢٠. واما وبيت اللَه والنفر
الأولى بالبيت طوَّف

21. And those whose Hajj is now complete, their duties done
You are foremost among the honorable ones

٢١. وبمحرمين تجلببوا
بمجلل الريط الملفف

22. Oh you who holds the highest aspirations dear
Devout in faith, though tolerant and not austere

٢٢. وعجيج اصوات الحجيج
ومن به لبى وعرّف

23. Your pen flows like a stream, so elegant and bright
Inscribed with artistry upon each page you write

٢٣. وعظيم ما ضمَّ المعرف
والمحصب والمخيف

24. Pure of conscience, brimming with eloquent speech
Culled like ripe fruit from branches just beyond your reach

٢٤. والمشعرين ومن تلبث
يومه والعيس وقَّف

25. Unblemished by the dust of doubt, you've cast off shame
Wresting the false perceptions that obscure your name

٢٥. والمروتين وما صفا
بين الصفا والخيف اوشف

26. You double each gift, and multiply every sum
That you extend to those who seek your favor

٢٦. والآيبين ليكملوا
فرضا لحجهم الموَّقف

27. You spur your steeds like eagles in swift flight
As if nothing can stop you from attaining your height

٢٧. انت المقدَّم في العلى
لا من تقدَّم او تخلف

28. No fault lies in your munificence, though some deride
That without restraint you spread your arms open wide

٢٨. يا محرزاً قصب العوالي
الصم بالقصب المجوف

29. For those who give plenty and take little in return
You make no complaint of blessings that you've earned

٢٩. قلمٌ بريق رضابه
علقاً على الورق المزخرف

30. Wherever you turn your steps will follow suit
Pause or proceed, your will shall bear the fruit

٣٠. خالي الضمائر ممتلٍ
من يانع الكلم المقطَّف

31. Greetings to you, a sun but newly risen in the morn
Whose radiance reveals the guiding light we've sworn

٣١. عريان من دنس تجرَّد
نازع الشبهات مترف

32. A sun whose veil is lifted to unveil her face
Putting the stars and moon to shame with her grace

٣٢. امثنِّي المأة الثنى
ومضاعف الألف المضعف

33. She rises to the zenith, where you reign supreme
Dragging the train of your gown as you fulfill your dream

٣٣. والباعث الخيل العتاق
كأنها العقبان خطَّف

34. Once hidden, when she appears in darkest night
All stars and meteors sparkle in her light

٣٤. يا مسرفاً ما ضرّه
ان قيل لولا النص اسرف

35. So let all rejoice in the noble prince we adore
And celebrate with joy his virtue evermore

٣٥. ما ضرَّ باسط راحة
تركت وعور الجود صفصف

٣٦. يعطي الكثيى وبعضهم
مسترجع ما قلَّ بالكف

٣٧. ان سرت سار ميّمما
قصداً وان وَّقفت وقف

٣٨. حيَّتك شمس تحجُّب
زفت لبدر هدىً تكشف

٣٩. شمسٌ بكسر حجابها
ان قابلتها الشمس تكسف

٤٠. وافت لمطَّرف العلى
غراً تجرُّ ذيول مطرف

٤١. محجوبة فاذا بدت
ليلاً لطرف النجم يطرف

٤٢. فلتهنئن بفتى العليّ
وليهنئنَّ بها ويسعف