1. There remains in time no beauty after this beauty
Beauty, benevolence, and beauty have departed
١. لم يبق في الدهر شيء بعد ذا حسن
قد أزمع الحسن والإحسان والحسن
2. She left one morning after intending to travel, a slender doe
Pure of lawful livelihood, what a departure of the slender doe
٢. حلَّت غداة نوى الترحال ظعن فتى
حي الحلال فيا لا قوض الظعن
3. She has passed on from one who has passed on behind
Remaining is the confidant, and when he passed away none remained confidant
٣. مضت بموءتمن عمن مضى خلف
باق وحين مضى لم يبقَ مؤتمن
4. O you who graze the eye, if you indulge in youth
The splinter will wound the eye until it grazes the youth
٤. يا مرعي العين ان تلتذَّ في وسنٍ
ازل قذى العين حتى يرعوي الوسن
5. That which was absent from its people was for a youth
If not for death, it would have revived Ja'far's traits
٥. ان الذي غاب عن انسانها لفتى
لولا الممات لأحيت جعفر السنن
6. Time does not know the value, it has done wrong with what
It took from beauty, how ugly is time
٦. لا درَّ درُّ زمان قد اساء بما
قد نال من حسن يا قبح الزمن
7. To God is the value of one whose mouth rivaled mine
The value of frankincense, so the milk between us is pure
٧. لِلّه درُّاخٍ نازعته بفمي
درَّ اللبان فصافي بيننا اللبن
8. And a friend of mine whose bend I followed
I followed him yearningly, if only yearning followed him
٨. وصاحبٍ ليَ قد الوى لطيته
اتبعته شجناً لو عاقه الشجن
9. I hid my innermost feelings from him and declared them
Neither secret nor open benefits me
٩. اخفى عليه تباريحي واعلنها
وليس ينفعني سرٌّ ولا علن
10. Until I let flow an uncovered passion
And passion surfaces at times and hides at times
١٠. حتى رميت بوجد غير مكتمن
والوجد يبرز احيانا ويكتمن
11. How many a watering place was wholesome after death for a son of piety
Not every watering place, its water wholesome
١١. كم مورد ساغ بعد الحتف بابن تقى
ما كل مورد حتف ماؤه اسن
12. O stumbler of fate, how many a son of lineage you brought down
Time that makes stumble, miserable is the stumbler
١٢. يا عثرة الدهر فيمن كم اقال بني ال
دهر العثار لخاب العاثر الافن
13. If only the stumbler were to soil his face
And rid us of another free of blemish, of beautiful face
١٣. ليت العثار لوجه فيه غبرته
وجلَّ آخر طلق المجتلى حسن
14. After you, I will not say misfortune to fate
Nor blame, and those who said misfortune were cursed
١٤. لا قلت بعدك للدهر العثور لعا
ولا اقيل ومن قالوا لعاً لعنوا
15. And we lived delicately in a rugged dwelling
So bestow upon it my blessings, O rugged dwelling
١٥. وناعم بدنا في منزل خشن
افضي عليه بنعمى المنزل الخشن
16. One who looks at people in their days sees them
Like a branch that withers after verdure, the branch
١٦. من ينظر المرء في ايامه يره
كالغصن يذبل بعد النضرة الغصن
17. And all who take precautions against thirst
Return more thirsty, how unquenched by the cloud!
١٧. وكل محترز ريّاً الى ظمأ
يعود أظمأ شيء ما سقى المزن
18. Fate’s first tribulation passes
Just so its last tribulation remains
١٨. والدهر اول ما تمضي له محن
كذاك آخر ما تبقى له محن
19. Time never lacks a day full of sorrow
The nature of days and sorrow never part
١٩. لا يعدم الدهر يوما عادماً حزنا
لم تفترق شيم الايام والحزن
20. The earth for man is either its back, a homeland
He has refuge, or its belly, a homeland
٢٠. والارض للمرء اما ظهرها وطن
له مقرٌّ واما بطنه وطن
21. People are like the body prone to decay, if left intact
People cannot be safe until the body is safe
٢١. والناس كالبدن للتنحار إن سلمت
لا تسلم الناس حتى تسلم البدن
22. Though people's well-being be prolonged
Death must yoke them in a common death
٢٢. انَّ الانام وان طالت سلامتها
لابد يقرنها في ميتة قرن
23. Of no use to man is wealth he prepares
Nor courage if demise comes, nor cowardice
٢٣. لا ينفع المرء مال يستعدُّ به
ولا شجاعةَ ان اودى ولا جبن
24. And a final place in his loved ones' hands
Futilely handed about by hands and embraced
٢٤. ومستقرٍّ على ايدي احبته
سدىً يداول بالايدي ويحتضن
25. Or necks on the coffin boards bearing him
As if carried in their bosom
٢٥. اوهى الرقاب على الاعواد محتملا
حتى تخيل محمولا بها حضن
26. They carried him on a bier, whenever they tried
To hasten their steps, gently with him, and weakened
٢٦. ساروا به بسرير كلما اجتهدوا
ان يسرعوا الخطو اجلالاً به وهنوا
27. Had he been of those shielded from fate by a well-aimed spear-thrust
Fate would have shielded him through the well-aimed spear
٢٧. لو كان مما يردُّ الحتف طعن قناً
لردَّت الحتف عنها بالقنا اليزن
28. Or been of those shielded from death by a white-bladed sword
Death would have shielded him by its white blade
٢٨. او كان مما يردّ الموت ضرب ظبي
لردَّت الموت عنها بيضها اليمن
29. Our fixed term leads us to its destination
Raiding and madness avail us naught
٢٩. يمشي بنا اجل تلقاء غايته
وليس تنفعنا زغف ولا جنن
30. The opinions' harvester died at eve in a meadow
Having harvested the meadow but not the eve
٣٠. قد قاد محتصد الآراء في شطنٍ
قود الجنيب ولم يستحصد الشطن
31. He who filled the days with precedence passed away
Existing since existence, the foremost companion
٣١. اودى الذي ملأ الأيام سابقة
وكان مذ كان وهو السابق الارن
32. Wealth does not follow one who spends it
While generosity is the heirloom of man and favors
٣٢. لا يتبع المال مناً حين ينفقه
والمنُّ بالجود نجل المرء والمنن
33. Or his open-handedness is followed by his bounty and bounteousness
Not all noble ones are of plentiful bounty
٣٣. او يعقبنَّ نداه الجم وجمته
ما كل ذي كرم في وجمة قمن