1. Reprove me, O gazelle of the spring-pastures, but make no mention of the gazelles of the sand-dunes;
How often there, on that hillside, the driving rain has: shed the new leaves from the branching trees!
١. عللاني بظبا ذات الغميم
واضربا عن ذكر غزلان الصريم
2. A herd of wild kine bursting through it when the East-Wind strikes the topmost boughs with its wing;
While they pasture there on the soft herbage, picking the fresh young growth, polished smooth like velvet.
٢. كم بذاك الشعب لي من ربرب
سربٍ ينشق علويَّ النسيم
3. Then sport, O breeze of the dawn, in its tangled thicket, but hold back from it, O breath of poison!
A negro rose beaming there, like a well-cut onyx upon his smoothly moulded cheek.
٣. حي مجتازا على ادم الظبا
واضح اللبة مصقول الاديم
4. My sickness was healed when his lips showed their pearls and opening revealed pearl-like teeth.
Thou hast in my heart a meadow for pasture, the meadow of passion not the meadow for rain.
٤. فاعبثي بالجعد يا ريح الصبا
وتنحَّي عنه يا ريح السموم
٥. قام زنجيٌّ من الخال له
ناصعاً منه على الخدّ الوسيم
٦. صحَّ سقمي بعذارٍ وفم
اوضحا عذريَ في لامٍ وميم
٧. لك من قلبيَ وادٍ مخصب
ذاك وادي الشوق لا وادي الغميم