
Their eyes heavy with drowsiness, the reins slipped through their hands,

ومرنحين من النعاس فلت بهم

1. Their eyes heavy with drowsiness, the reins slipped through their hands,
As the horses ambled on through the dunes.

١. ومرنحين من النعاس فلت بهم
ايدي المطي نواصي الكثبان

2. The years of misery made them sway
Atop their mounts, swaying like shoots of anemone.

٢. عبثت بهم سنة الكرى فتمايلوا
فوق الرحال تمايل النشوان

3. Through each torn shirt was bared
A cloak for the night of wakefulness.

٣. من كل منخرق القميص مسربل
في البيد شملة ليلةِ السرحان

4. The salty sweat dripped down in the morning
A neck twisting and writhing without restraint.

٤. وملوح العرنين يختبط الضحى
عنقا يلفُّ اباطحا برعان

5. Disheveled were they from pacing about,
Until the hut tops of Muraan appeared.

٥. واشيعثُ من داب وعثاء السرى
حتى يعلَّ عواطش المران

6. Past the sand-dune they went, their mounts stumbling
And the riders thrown in the meadows of Na'maan.

٦. مر وابمعتاج الكثيب وعرَّست
بهم الركائب في ربى نعمان

7. They looked out over the playgrounds longingly,
A song frolicking in the shade of the acacias.

٧. يتطلعون على الملاعب غزلةً
غناء تمرح في ظلال البان

8. An eye goes round and round, its lids
Sickened, its lashes frozen.

٨. وربارباً عينا تدير محاجراً
مرضى مواقع اثمد الاجفان

9. In the charming, delicate sands, a gazelle
Glances languidly, kohl-lined eyes and teeth.

٩. وبمسقط الرمل الانيق غزيَّل
يرنو بفاتر اكحل وسنان

10. One who aspires to the garden of a beautiful Khameela,
Fragrant with the blossoms of sweet basil.

١٠. مستشرف يرتاد روض خميلةٍ
عبقت بنشر ذوائب الريحان

11. The wavy mirage shimmers and I swoon,
My eyes bedazzled by the distant, hazy horizon.

١١. شرق الترائب يشرئب فانثني
والعين تشرق بالنجيع القاني

12. With my two arrows I take aim and am cautious
Of former boons with the boons of Banan.

١٢. يرمي بسهمي ادعجين ويتقي
عن رخص سالفةٍ برخص بنان

13. Would that I had the impetuous gallop of a she-camel, gray-haired,
That I spurred down the slope from Najran!

١٣. هل لي بردِّ جموح سافح عفرة
اجريتها بالسفح من نجران

14. Or that I could breathe valor into my soul, so perhaps
My nostrils would flare with the pride of the noble!

١٤. او أن اسام به القلى فاربما
شمخت بانفي نخوة الغيران

15. You left me amid the rearmost of the tribe,
Soft bellies who submit to lowliness.

١٥. خلّفتني ما بين اظهر عصبة
رخو البطون تألَّبت لهواني

16. I almost see the sparks in the hearts’ bedding flare up
Then die down in smoke.

١٦. اورى التشاحن في فراش صدورها
شررا فشبَّ مثورا بدخان

17. Were it not for the horsemen of Shabeelak, still
You’d be between at-Tara’ar and al-Jawlan.

١٧. لولا الدوارج من شبولك لم تزل
بين الترعرع ثمَّ والجولان

18. I would have turned my spirit from the path of disgrace
And pulled on my steed's reins away from the house of dishonor.

١٨. لصرفت عن طرق المذلة خاطري
وعطفت عن دار الهوان عناني

19. With the light armor of earthenware pots, delicate
And the heavy vessels of meats, dignified.

١٩. بخفاف اردية الفخار رقائق
وثقال اوعية الحلوم رزان

20. How many resolves have been sharpened against you
With the sharpening of a Yemeni Indian sword!

٢٠. كم عزمةٍ ارهفت فيك غرارها
ارهاف ذي شطب اجب يَّماني

21. I did not expect that my feet would slip
And that the hands of youths would dominate my hands.

٢١. ما كنت احسب ان تزلَّ باخمصي
قدمي وطوع يدي يد الحدثان

22. My pride was awakened and my essence shook;
After being woven my necklace of pearls was unstrung.

٢٢. فلقد نبا عضبي واصدء جوهري
وانبثَّ بعد الرصف عقد جماني

23. What is wrong with the days that they withhold
Their gold from me, take my hand and tongue from me?

٢٣. مالي وللأيام تمنع درَّها
عني وتاخذ عن يدي ولساني

24. Time passed me by sculpting my inclinations
Until it lingered around my ankles and pulled me along.

٢٤. والدهر مرَّ علي ينحت مروتي
حتى اناخ بكلكلي وجراني

25. So I feel as if in my ascendant stars an eclipse rises
Or a star conjoins me as I set.

٢٥. فكأني في زحلٍ مطالع طالعي
او أن في الدبران نجم قراني

26. So take me by the hand – my life for you – from the
Clutches of a lifetime whose hands have seized my possessions.

٢٦. فاليك خذ بيدي فديتك من عنا
دهرٍ جنى مالي عليه يدان

27. You will find glory and honor where you find me,
And you will see nobility and glory where you look upon me.

٢٧. تجد الأبا والعز حيث وجدتني
وترى العلى والمجد حيث تراني

28. And if I sleep on earthenware, it is only
Because your glory makes the earthenware sleep gloriously.

٢٨. ولئن نميت الى الفخار فأنما
علويُّ مجدك للفخار نماني

29. It has brought me down, what it has brought down, but rather
That tyrant who wronged me has brought it down.

٢٩. هبني جنيت وما جنيت وإنما
قد جنَّ ذاك المستبدُّ الجاني