1. Have you met me in the meadows of Rayyan,
Or encountered me in the pastures of cattle and gazelles?
١. هل طالعتك على الريَّان اظعان
ام قابلتك بريا البان غزلانُ
2. I did not say "welcome" after life, O Talal,
Nor did I give drink after the pastures, O son of Banu.
٢. لا قلت حييت بعد الحي يا طلل
ولا ترويت بعد البان يابانُ
3. If they became copious, it was out of generosity and compassion,
Or if they grieved, it was out of kindness and sorrow.
٣. ان اسهبوا فصبابات وولولة
او احزنوا فعقابيلٌ واحزان
4. Their souls followed the caravan bidding farewell
To it, with yearning and longing.
٤. اتبعت عيسهم نفساً مشيَّعة
بها الى الركب تبريحٌ واشجان
5. Bidding the caravan farewell as it departed
Until the caravan rested at a place of hills and dunes.
٥. مشيحةً بوراء الركب زافرة
حتى استقلَّ بهم نصٌّ ووخدان
6. As if their ghosts were ships sailing
Among its valleys when the spectres emerged.
٦. كأنها حين يطفو الآل سابحة
اشباحها سفنٌ فيه ووديان
7. They leaned towards the sins of the valley, tempted
By the two valleys, both twisting and winding.
٧. حنَّت لأذنبة الوادي وشوَّقها
بالواديين كلاً جعدٌ وغدران
8. They found us shelter in Jairun, which amazed them,
That there are no people of Jairun to give shelter.
٨. القوا جرانا بجيرونٍ وهالهم
أن ليس اهل يجيرون وجيران
9. They endured the intensity wherever heat burned
And wherever the heart burned hot.
٩. حلُّوا من الجزع محتلاً بحيث حصا
ه الحرّ تان وحيث القلب حرّان
10. They reckoned that Najran had married them
Yet where are the camels of 'Is to be found in Najran?
١٠. قد قدَّروا انَّ نجراناً معرّسهم
واين من ذملان العيس نجران
11. By God, many a lost guide in the desolate place
Seeking its dunes while perplexed.
١١. ورّب هيماء قد ضلَّ الدليل بها
يستاف ترب ثراها وهو حيران
12. No scout found a trace there,
Nor did a wolf or oryx trespass it.
١٢. فما اهتدى قائف فيها على اثرٍ
ولا تعسَّفها ذئبٌ وسرحان
13. I do not know it before seeing it clearly
Until I realized that clarity is knowledge.
١٣. مجاهل لست قبل البين اعرفها
حتى تعرَّفت أن البين عرفان
14. A house time has ruined after it flourished,
Its walls wrecked and its pits caved in.
١٤. دار طواها البلى من بعد ما انتشرت
عصباً وشايعه شيح وحوذان
15. Not everything called "bounty" is bountiful,
Nor everything called "Naiman" pleasant.
١٥. ما كلما قيل نعمٌ فهي منعمةٌ
او كلما شاق وادٍ فهو نعمان
16. My tears help me while my brethren forsake me,
And tears are help when supporters betray.
١٦. يعينني الدمع والاخوان تخذلني
والدمع عونٌ لمن خانته اعوان
17. People are brethren as long as time is a brother,
But when wealth is little, brethren are few.
١٧. اخوانك الناس ما دام الزمان اخاً
كثرٌ فان قلَّ مال قلَّ اخوان
18. If time wanted to make man a trusted brother,
Time would lack among men a human.
١٨. لو رام ذا الدهر انساناً اخا ثقةٍ
لأعوز الدهر بين الناس انسان
19. Whether sleeplessness keeps the eyelids awake
Or age makes the eyelids and teeth fall out,
١٩. ان يسهر الطرف او ينفر به وسنٌ
فبالحدوج كحيل الطرف وسنان
20. It was jealous until when the breeze passed by it
So how would it be if passion had whispered to others?
٢٠. اغار حتى اذا مرَّ النسيم به
فكيف لو باسمه قد فاه غيران
21. Do not think the affairs of man are one,
For each day has its own events.
٢١. ولا تظنّ شؤون المرء واحدةً
فكلُّ يوم له من امره شانُ
22. If I wore the garb of old age,
I had stripped off my youth while still growing.
٢٢. لئن لبست لباس الشيب رائعه
فقد نزعت شبابي وهو ريعان
23. I used to be like a well-groomed young camel,
Frolicking in my meadows when ravens cawed.
٢٣. قد كنت كالأجدل الغطريف مزدهياً
ايام تنعق في فوديّ غربان
24. Best are the white hairs if they had remained
For color changed after the white hairs.
٢٤. وحبذا الشعرات البيض لو بقيت
قد حال لون وبعد الشيب الوان
25. I used to conceal them in my head, hiding,
As if hiding something spread could be concealed.
٢٥. قد كنت اكتمها في الراس مستترا
لو كان يستر شيئاً شاع كتمان
26. Their hidden affair had gone to reveal them
So how can one conceal what is already exposed?
٢٦. كانَّ مضمرِها قد راح يظهرها
فكيف يضمر شيء وهو اعلان
27. The people of lofty tents that shone bright
With hospitality fires in the darkness.
٢٧. اهل القباب المنيفات التي سطعت
تحت الظلام بها اللضيف نيران
28. As if the guest in their dwellings rules
Whose command is obeyed while the owner is equal.
٢٨. كأنما الضيف في أبياتهم وله ال
أمر المطاع ورب البيت سيَّان
29. Rather, they see the guest's comfort a gain
As if they are themselves guests of the guest.
٢٩. لا بل يرون ثواء الضيف مغنمة
حتى كأنهم للضيف ضيفان
30. The hostile when their neighbor is humbled,
The generous when benevolence is honored.
٣٠. المانعون اذا ما ذلَّ جارهم
والمنعمون أذا ما عزَّ احسان
31. The riders when their resolute steeds walked with them
And the earth is a carpet.
٣١. والراكبون ظهور العزم ما مشيت
بهم جيادهم والارض جثمان
32. The owners of the mighty tyrant in his greatness,
And those who leave him in littleness while he is disgraced.
٣٢. والمالكون من الجبَّار كبرته
والتاركوه بصغرٍ وهو خزيان
33. They have excelled so they became honored in their dwellings,
When the tribes excelled while they are humiliated.
٣٣. جلُّوا فعزُّ واقبيلا في مواطنهم
اذا القبائل اجلت وهي ذلان
34. They do not speak ill of others nor
Do their ears turn to dishonor.
٣٤. لا ينطقون بعوراء الكلام ولا
تصيخ منهم إلى العوراء آذان
35. The family of Harb adorned their rule like a crown,
And they are the source of pride's turban.
٣٥. بزّتهم آل حرب تاج ملكهم
وهم لمفرق هام الفخر تيجان
36. They donned white Tirick and wore white
For war, and their sleeves are shirts.
٣٦. تعمموا بتريك البيض واتشحوا
بالبيض للحرب والادراع قمصان
37. The excess cloth of his shirt drags behind him
As the train of a gown drags flickering.
٣٧. يجرُّ برديه هفهاف القميص به
كما يجرّ فضول الريط نشوان
38. Apprehensive, his gaze never tastes sleep,
The wolf of the hotheaded, ever alert and awake.
٣٨. مستوجس لا يذوق الغمض ناظره
ذئب الغضاة ازلّ السمع يقظان
39. Where then are 'Adnan, and the living ones of Modhar?
O that the ruddy camels of 'Is and 'Adnan would come!
٣٩. فأين عدنان والاحياء من مضر
يا لا نأت مضر الحمرا وعدنان