
They relayed from the brother of virtues, a relay

نقلوا عن اخ المكارم نقلا

1. They relayed from the brother of virtues, a relay
That I do not see to be correct, never and not at all

١. نقلوا عن اخ المكارم نقلا
ما ارى أن يصحَّ حاشا وكلا

2. How can one whose origin is Arabic
Deny the Arabs and virtues in origin

٢. كيف من صحّ اصله عربياً
يجحد العرب والمكارم اصلا

3. The Arabs of old were a model
Wherever he settled was a home of brightness

٣. انما العرب في القديم طرازٌ
اينما حلَّ بالنضار محلى

4. Learned, not ignorant, he gained knowledge
The generosity of Arabs a draft of superior fullness

٤. باقر العلم لا جهلت تعلّم
كرم العرب قدح فضل معلى

5. Is this the noble? Rather, who transgressed
With his loftiness the excellent youth, the most excellent

٥. ايهذا الجليل بل من تعدى
بعلاه الفتى الأجل الاجلا

6. And the generous, noble in origin and branch
And the matchless, in word and deed

٦. والكريم النبيل اصلاً وفرعا
والعديم المثيل قولا وفعلا

7. I do not know, and would that I know
Have I said seriously, my brother, or jestfully

٧. لست ادري وليت أنيَ ادري
قلت جداً اخيَّ ام قلت هزلا

8. The brother of virtue, when the meaning was ambiguous
He solved it, the one who gained virtue

٨. فاخو الفضل من اذا اعتاص معنى
مشكل حلَّه الذي حاز فضلا

9. You are that excellent youth pointed to
Unique in time, esteeming the like

٩. انت ذاك الفتى المشار اليه
مفرد في الزمان قد عزَّ مثلا

10. O Haydar, the lion boldly nominated
If the nomination of al-Ghazzanfar was a cub

١٠. يا فتى حيدر المرشح ليثاً
ان يكن رشح الغضنفر شبلا

11. And both flowed from the sword a limit
And a cloud the serpent set flowing

١١. وهما ما جرى من السيف حدّاً
وغماماً اجرى الحيا المستهلا

12. It is not for the clouds to spill you without cause
Or for the palm to shake you, a blade

١٢. ما على السحب ان تريقك وبلا
او على الكف ان تهزَّك نصلا

13. Everyone who attained efforts
Attained some, while you attained all

١٣. كل من كان حائزاً للمساعي
حاز بعضا وانت من حاز كُلا

14. You are more coveted to my heart than inclusiveness
Rather, purer than the north wind and sweeter

١٤. انت اشهى من الشمول لقلبي
بل واصفى من الشمال واحلى

15. So to where do you rise in rank
The palace of steps did not leave any rank

١٥. فالى اين ترتقي لمحل
قصر الخطو ما تركت محلا

16. Do not care for a man foolishly ferocious
Tightening the grip, from him a land wider

١٦. لا تبالي امرء يصول بجدٍّ
شدَّ للبطش منه باعاً اشلا

17. Not firmly planted is he whose steps falter
Whenever it was said, he was steadfast, he slipped

١٧. ليس بالثبت من تطيش خطاه
كلما قيل قد تثبَّت زلا

18. No, nor the rider loosening the bridle
Sometimes he shortened the bridle and was clear

١٨. لا ولا السابق المطيل عناناً
ربما قصّر العنان فجلى

19. Prolonged is the error of the frequent speaker
Rather, speech the less of it the more guiding

١٩. طال ما أخطأ المكثر قولا
انما القول كلما قلَّ دلا