1. Stop with the caravans and let the driver sing,
Of the one who loaded the beautiful, slender camels.
١. قف بالحمول وانشدنَّ السائقا
من حمَّل الأيانق الغرانقا
2. The feverish drunkard tended to them, then set out,
To go roaming with them, scattering anemones.
٢. رعى بها رند الحمى ثم انبرى
ينبت يبرين بها شقائقا
3. He swayed with them, though he had not spent the night drunk,
Save for his disheveled hair, choking him.
٣. الوى بها وما لوت على الطلى
الا الشعور عُقَّصاً بخانقا
4. If he wished, he would have smiled pearls,
And adorned his cheeks with smiles.
٤. تبسم عن لآلئٍ ولو تشأ
لوشَّحت بسمطها الترائقا
5. He tied them with the leather ropes, though they were not
Reddened lips or carnelian beads.
٥. عققتها بيض طلى ما لم تكن
محمرَّة شفاها عقائقا
6. Hard-hearted they are, yet to us
They revealed gentle, delicate faces.
٦. غلائظ الاكباد الا انَّها
جلت لنا عوارضاً رقائقا
7. Their cheeks softened while their consciences hardened,
So we rested our cheeks on gentle companions.
٧. رقَّت خدوداً وقست ضمائرا
فوسَّدت خدودنا المرافقا
8. More radiant than ostrich eggs, bare,
Her buttocks folded like sand grouse.
٨. اصحَّ من بيض النعام عرية
قد ثنِّيت اردافها نمارقا
9. My flesh and bones have melted away together
And nothing remains that feels the burning.
٩. قد عرقت لحمي معاً واعظمي
ولم تدع شيئاً يلاقي عارقا
10. Prostrating in the valley, they sold my faith for
Mere dirhams to the foreigners.
١٠. وعاكفاتٍ كنَّس في بيع
قد بعت اسلامي بها البطارقا
11. Drinking from cups more distant that what
A thirsty man can reach and kiss.
١١. ومشرئبٍّ للسحاب عنقاً
ابعد شيء قربه معانقا
12. I took from their brows tempting glances -
As though a barren man grasped shining stars.
١٢. قبضت من عارضه مخائلاً
لو قبض الا شلُّ خالا بارقا
13. Overlook for a moment the debauched gazes,
For how many debauched have I excused?
١٣. غضّ على العفة لحظاً فاسقاً
ياما اعفّ منه لحظا فاسقا
14. Guard your glances in watching them,
As though in their eyes lie gardens.
١٤. انزّه اللحاظ في الحاظهِ
كأن في احداقهِ حدائقا
15. I followed the singing behind them,
Sing, if he sang, capturing the deserter.
١٥. اتبعته السمع الطروب خلفه
اغنّ ان غنَّى سبى مخارقا
16. None escaped me but exhausted me,
Both my mouth and energy pursuing him.
١٦. ما عنَّ لي مطارد الا وقد
اتعبت فيه شدقماً ولاحقا
17. I rode my misfortune, so who can
Become old after passing through youth?
١٧. ركبت فيه شقوتي فمن ترى
ينزل شيخاً قد صبا مراهقا
18. Man is created with a natural disposition,
Meet him on nothing but his own terms.
١٨. والمرء مجبولٌ على جبلَّة
لم تلقه الا لها موافقا
19. Alas for youth, its days have turned
Black, after once whitening the separation.
١٩. واهاً على العمر غدت ايامه
سوداً غداة بيَّض المفارقا
20. Nothing remains in the decanter but the dregs,
A vessel not pleasing to the Creator.
٢٠. لم تبق في الخق سوى صبابة ال
أناء لا ترضي الأله الخالقا
21. Treachery to people has become a habit,
Find a sincere one, you find one unaccustomed.
٢١. والغدر للناس غدا سجيةً
من ترَ منهم ترَ خلّاً ماذقا
22. None remains but the benefactor of good deeds,
Who has scattered goodness in the land.
٢٢. لم يبقَ الا محسن الحسن الذي
قد بثّ في الزوراء حسناً رائقا
23. The breaths of dawn carried longing for him,
Filling the horizon with beautiful fragrance.
٢٣. حملت انفاس الصبا شوقاً له
يملأ افق الكرخ طيباً عابقا
24. When you see him, scent the world with his being,
And if you wish, scent people with his nature.
٢٤. ان تره فانفح به طبائعاً
وان تشأن فانفح به خلائقا
25. I drank from his manners a draft,
That I drank like a overflowing cup.
٢٥. شربت من اخلاقه زجاجةً
شربتُها كاساً دهاقا دافقا
26. He is the morning and evening twilight, so take
Advantage of his temper whether forthcoming or aloof.
٢٦. هو الصبوح والغبوق فابتدر
مزاجه ان صابحاً اوغابقا
27. I yearn for him though he has not yet passed the bloom of youth,
And even if he did, he is accustomed to perpetual youth.
٢٧. اصبو له ولا اراه قد صبا
ولو صبا لاعتاد صبّاً وامقا
28. I miss him, and even if tomorrow he misses me,
I would pave the roads and shelters.
٢٨. اشتاقه ولو غدا يشتاقني
لسحَّل الرقاع والمهارقا
29. If imagination were true in its wanderings,
I would be content even if imagination alone came to me.
٢٩. لو صدق الخيال في طروقه
رضيت لو اهدى الخيال الطارقا
30. Such are the imaginations that roam the youth,
Falsely – if only they would send a truthful vision!
٣٠. تلك خيالات تطوف بالفتى
زورا فلو يبعث زوراً صادقا