
Her tears dragged through my soul

جرت على الروح جريالها

1. Her tears dragged through my soul
And loosened from the wind its chains

١. جرَّت على الروح جريالها
وسلَّت من الراح سلسالها

2. The people of the palace doll's shrine
Acted out for me her idol

٢. اهل دمية القصر محرابها
يمثَّل لي بك تمثالها

3. A mole assumes the cheek of a girl
My eyes think it her mole

٣. تنصَّع خالا بخد الفتاة
لعيني فتحسبها خالها

4. By the Lord of the lady there wearing earrings
She intended to deafen the sound of her anklets

٤. ويا ربّ ربة قرط هناك
تعمَّدت افصم خلخالها

5. And I did not expect the soul of the slain
With your eyes to love his killer

٥. وما كنت احسب نفس القتيل
بعينك تعشق قتَّالها