1. Glory raised you; sit at the summit of glory
The kings of earth have been corrupted, east and west
١. رقى بك مجدٌ اقعد الصيد مرتقى
فسدت ملوك الارض غرباً ومشرقا
2. You have planted in the breast of time a sharpened spear
And unsheathed a blade for the humiliated age
٢. ركزت بصدر الدهر رمحاً مثقَّفاً
وجرَّدت عضباً للزّمان مُذلقا
3. You are but the lion in resolve and aid
And discretion, steps, palms, and separation
٣. وما انت الا الليث عزماً ونجدة
وحزما واقداما وكفّاً ومفرقا
4. Does the lion stumble at the roar in his jungle?
Though he spent the night in the sanctuary of home secluded
٤. وهل يطرقُ الليث الهزبر بغابه
وان هو امسى في حمى البيت مطرقا
5. When the well-groomed spear is straightened
On a body whose flank outruns the flank trained
٥. اذا اعتقل الرمح الرديني واستوى
على متن طرف يسبق الطرف معنقا
6. Provide the livelihood of warriors triumphant
With a piercing glance that leads squadrons to battle
٦. تكفل ارزاق القشاعم ظافراً
بمارقةٍ تقتاد للحرب فيلقا
7. Prepare for it the ample space of war, erect
On the back of a supple-sided stallion dappled
٧. اعدّ لها فضفاضة الحرب معلماً
على ظهر مفتول الأياطل ابلقا
8. A brother of ease who spends his time attaining
That if he touched deaf rock it would turn verdant
٨. اخو راحةٍ تستغرق الدهر نائلا
فلو لامست صخرا اصماً لأورقا
9. Where is the heavy-raining cloud from his pouring bounty
Though the clouds of misfortune pour heavily
٩. واين الغمام الجون من فيض جوده
وان جاد شؤبوب الغمائم مغدقا
10. He cannot be trusted to give his soul
If the reins of generosity are loosened for the delegation
١٠. وليس بمأمونٍ على بذل نفسه
اذا ما عنان البذل للوفد اطلقا
11. Generosity and munificence were created in him
While the pretender feigned them in ignorance
١١. تجمَّع فيه الفضل والبذل خلقةً
وكم مدَّع بالفضل جهلا تخلّقا
12. My virtue and glory have been stripped
By love for the son of nobles with my patience entwined
١٢. خلعت عذاري والتجمل شيمتي
بحب ابن اشراف بصبري حلَّقا
13. He wanders, distracted by passion, with swaying gait
And cheek whose water of youth flows gently
١٣. يتيه على العاني بقدٍّ مهفهفٍ
وخدٍّ به ماء الشباب ترقرقا
14. I delight my eyes with him, as though he were
A garden, above it beauty hovering
١٤. اسرّح احداقي به فكأنه
حديقة روض فوقها الحسن احدقا
15. I have confessed to you the redness of my passion as if
The radiance of his brilliant sun had poured upon it
١٥. جلت لك محمرّ الشقيق كأنما
افاضت عليه من سنا الشمس رونقا
16. He rings in my hearing with a fervent voice
More gentle and sweet than the echo of bells speaking
١٦. يقرّط اسماعي بنغمة صادح
ارقُّ واحلى من صدى الجرس منطقا
17. Graceful he moved, and fair his features
Thereby freely making my morning and evening intoxicated
١٧. لقد رقَّ اعطافاً وراق شمائلا
فساغ به كاسي صبوحاً ومغبقا