1. My eyes' illusion of sleep is transient,
On the day of turmoil with a restless heart,
١. حسب عيني من المنام غراره
يوم الخليط والقلب داره
2. His dwelling has become remote to me,
His lands and homes have become remote,
٢. قد تناءت دياره وبرغمي
قد تناءت ربوعه ودياره
3. I graze on care for him with every glance,
My passion for him fluctuates between warmth and heat,
٣. بتُّ أرعى له تصرف لحظ
حار فيه فتوره واحوراره
4. I set free the glance in the pastures of gazelle,
With the eyes of a love-sick gazelle and its shyness,
٤. أسرح اللحظ في مسارح ظبي
هو عينا ظبا الحمى ونفارُه
5. Tell me to cast off my worries as burdens,
And beware in case his caution takes note,
٥. عنَّ لي أطرح الحبالة ختلاً
وحذاري من أن يعنّ حذارُه
6. Of delicate build, he does not suspect,
Except when his coolness shook in his gait,
٦. مُرهفَ القدّ ليس يخطر إلّا
اهتز في طيّ برده خطارُه
7. His anklet gave away and his bracelet slipped,
The pallor and redness of a cheek increases for me,
٧. هيَّم المغرم المتيم ظبيٌ
عفّ خلخاله وعفّ سوارُه
8. The more it increases, the more his redness grows,
The coquetry of an eyelid has bared a blade,
٨. زادني صفرة بحمرة خدٍّ
كلما ازددت منه زاد احمراره
9. When its flash appeared, the sword revealed its sharpness,
Who feels for the agony of my lovelorn heart,
٩. وغرير قد سلَّ صارم جفن
فضح السيف حين لاح غراره
10. Preoccupied with you night and day?
It seeks to cool the heart with tears,
١٠. من لصب متيم القلب عانٍ
مشغل فيك ليله ونهاره
11. Flowing from his streaming torrents,
The duty of the heart knows no rest,
١١. يتوخى برد الفؤاد بدمع
مسجر من شواظه تيارُه
12. In a dormant passion that knows no peace,
My excuse for my dusty love,
١٢. واجب القلب لا يقر قرارا
في هوى ساكن يقرّ قرارُه
13. My love purified it and its excuse cleansed it,
With one who does not grant sanctuary to a neighbor,
١٣. من عذيري من حب أعفر خشف
صحَّ حبي به وعذري عذارُه
14. My Lord is my neighbor against him, and God is his neighbor,
Blessed is the illusion that visited me,
١٤. عند من لا يجير ذمة جارٍ
جاري اللَه منه واللَه جارُه
15. And came to me while the darkness donned its gown,
It surpassed the slumber of my eyes until,
١٥. حبذا من المنام طارق زور
زارني والظلام مرخيً إزارُه
16. It woke the sleepy eyelid and lashes,
Breaking the narcissus with the tip of an eyelash,
١٦. قد تخطى رقاد عينيَ حتى
نبه الطرف راقدا أشفارُه
17. The slumbering eye recovered when it cracked,
O you who reprimands youth, the favor of old age,
١٧. كسر الهدب من مريّش جفن
مسقم الطرف صح عندي انكساره
18. Can youth return borrowed to me?
A tyrannical fate rules me,
١٨. يا معير الشباب فضل مشيب
هل يردّ الشباب لي مستعاره
19. Where is my weakness against it and where is its power?
It lit the fire in the dark night,
١٩. قادرٌ جائر عليَّ بحكم
أين ضعفي منه وأين اقتداره
20. The night of carousing illuminated its flames,
If you could see the fire and carousing as my friends,
٢٠. أوقد النار في اليفاع خليط
ضوّأت ليلة المسامر نارُه
21. You would think I am Farazdaq and his companions,
A sigh sends up smoke into the air,
٢١. لو ترىالنار والخليط نديمي
خلت أني فرزدق ونوارُه
22. And tears suffice to direct its descent,
O tears flowing down the cheeks,
٢٢. مصعد زفرة بها الجو سري
وكفى الدمع أن يصوب انحداره
23. You moved the heavens on earth with your seas,
Passion struck flint in the heart,
٢٣. يا لدمع عن الخدود مراقٍ
أجرت الفلك في الصعيد بحاره
24. Sparks piercing with lovesickness flying from it,
٢٤. قدح الشوق في الجوانح زندا
ثاقبا بالحشا يطير شرارُه