
His affection was feigned in my love for him,

صنيعته التصنع في ودادي

1. His affection was feigned in my love for him,
How wretched is feigned affection and craft!

١. صنيعته التصنُّع في ودادي
فيا بئس التصنع والصنيعه

2. My heart contested his love until
I wrested his love completely from my heart.

٢. أنازع في هواه القلب حتى
نزعت هواه من قلبي جميعه

3. So do not expect me to return to him,
The arrow once unleashed cannot be returned.

٣. فلا تتوقعنَّ له رجوعي
احال السهم منبعثا رجوعه

4. I have had enough of a love that wounds my ribs,
Even if love would cleave my ribs in two for me.

٤. كفيت هوى يثقف من ضلوعي
لو انّ هوىً يقصِّف لي ضلوعه

5. If the soul inclines toward him though distressed,
I have a soul that, though distressed, restrains its inclinations.

٥. اذا ما النفس ولَّهها ولوع
فلي نفسٌ وان ولهت جزوعه

6. So while it inclines gently toward intimacy,
When it turns away, I make it pliant with firmness.

٦. فبينا تنحني للألف رفقا
اذا انحازت لطيتها قطوعه

7. For I have said to the nights, "Farewell!"
And if they return, with glance or vanguard,

٧. فلا قد قلت للأيام عودي
وان عادت فعين او طليعه

8. Nights in the sky that a vigilant spy
Deceives me into receiving from him.

٨. لياليَ في السما حتى سهاها
رقيب كرىً يصانعني خديعه

9. Perhaps you are heading out on a journey
And the heavens will quickly bring you to me.

٩. لعلك ضارب بعلاة سفر
فتوردها السماوة بي سريعه

10. When the black branches of night spread out,
They folded over my shoulders and branches.

١٠. إذا انتشرت فروع الليل سودا
طوت عن منكبيه بنا فروعه

11. Or it gathered in its garment and continued
Advancing gently, trailing its train.

١١. أو اشتملت بشملته استمرَّت
بتدآب السرى فنضت هزيعه

12. The Pleiades wrestle with it, glowing,
And it moans, leaning its lights.

١٢. يجاذبها الأعنة مشمعلٌّ
فتأرن وهي جانحة شموعه

13. It reaches the pure bosoms until I
Reluctantly returned the trust to him.

١٣. فتبلغ طاهر الاعراق اني
على كره رددت لهُ الوديعه