
Do not weep from the nights that they

لا تبكين من الليالي أنها

1. Do not weep from the nights that they
Deprived you of the desire of a drinker from a drink

١. لا تَبْكِيَنَّ مِن اللَّيالي أَنَّها
حَرَمَتْكَ نَغْبَةَ شارِب مِن مَشْرَبِ

2. For your least possession with them is the sword of demise
Drawn from the hair of the graying elder

٢. فأَقَلُّ مالكَ عِنْدَها سَيْفُ الردَى
يُسْتَلُّ مِن شَعْرِ القَذالِ الأَشْيبِ

3. And the departure of your life every hour's journey
And the fading of your vigor in the most vigorous time

٣. ورَحِيلُ عَيْشِكَ كُلَّ رِحْلةِ ساعة
وفَناءُ طِيبِكَ في الزَّمَانِ الأَطْيَبِ

4. So if you cried, cry for your life, it
Is the wailing of a wing, passing like a planet

٤. فإِذا بَكَيْتَ فَبَكِّ عُمْرَكَ إِنَّهُ
زَجلُ الجَناحِ يَمُرُّ مَرَّ الكَوْكَبِ