1. When I saw that life had turned away
And I knew surely that death would overtake me
١. ولمَّا رأَيْتُ العَيْشَ وَلَّى برأسِهِ
وأَيقَنْتُ أَن المَوْتَ لا شَكَّ لاحِقِي
2. I wished I dwelt in a far lonely place
At the highest ridge, chilled by the winds
٢. تمنَّيْتُ أَنِّي ساكِنٌ في غَيابة
بأَعْلَى مَهَبِّ الرِّيحِ في رأَسِ شاهِقِ
3. Casting down acorns to live by their surplus
Alone, while the waters murmur at the canyon's cleft
٣. أُدَرُّ سقيط الحَبِّ في فَضْلِ عِيشةٍ
وحيداً وحِسْيُ الماءِ ثِنيُ المَفالقِ
4. My friends, whoever has tasted death once
Then I have tasted it fifty honest times
٤. خَلِيليَّ مَن ذاقَ المَنِيَّةَ مَرَّةً
فَقد ذُقْتُها خَمْسِينَ قَوْلةَ صادق
5. As my time to depart draws near, from this life
I have gained no flashes of lightening
٥. كأَني وَقد حانَ ارْتِحالِيَ لم أَفُزْ
قَدِيماً مِن الدُّنيا بلَمحةِ بارقِ
6. Who can inform the son of Hazm, who offered
Me assistance in my disasters and adversities?
٦. فمَن مُبْلِغٌ عَني ابْنَ حَزْمٍ وكانَ لي
يَداً في مُلِمَّاتِي وعِنْدَ مَضَايقِي
7. Upon you is the peace of God. I take my leave
And my love for you shall suffice as provisions for one departing
٧. عَلَيْكَ سَلامُ اللَّهِ إِني مُفارِقٌ
وحَسْبُكَ زاداً مِن حَبيبٍ مُفَارِقِ
8. So do not forget to eulogize me when I am gone
And recall my days and my excellent traits
٨. فلا تَنْسَ تَأْبِينِي إِذا ما فقدتَني
وتَذْكارَ أَيَّامِي وفَضْلَ خلائِقِي
9. And for God's sake, from the people of our art
Stir them to lament me, every stalwart hero
٩. وحَرِّكْ به باللَّهِ مِن أَهْلِ فَنِّنا
إِذا غَيَّبُوني كُلَّ شَهْم غُرانِق
10. That my soul in the grave might hear something
Of a secret whispered, or a knock tapped
١٠. عَسَى هامَتي في القَبْرِ تَسْمَعُ بَعْضُه
بتَرْجِيعِ سارٍ أَوْ بتَطرْيبِ طارِقِ
11. For in remembering me after death is a solace
So do not forbid it from me, useless fading wretch
١١. فلي في ادِّكارِي بَعْدَ مَوْتي راحةٌ
فلا تمنَعُونيها عُلالَة زاهِقِ
12. And I hope in God for the sins accrued in the past
That which He knows of my inner truths
١٢. وإِني لأَرجُو اللَّهَ فيما تَقَدَّمَتْ
ذُنُوبي به ممّا دَرى مِن حَقائِقي