
Youthful as stars in their beauty

وفتية كالنجوم حسنا

1. Youthful as stars in their beauty
Each a noble poet

١. وفِتْيةٍ كالنُّجُومِ حُسْناً
كُلُّهُمُ شاعِرٌ نَبِيلُ

2. Their sides aflame, stepping forth
As though a sharpened blade

٢. مُتَّقِدُ الجانِبَيْنِ ماضٍ
كأَنَّهُ الصّارِمُ الصّقِيلُ

3. They tried to turn me from great deeds
While without them the West is bleak

٣. راموا انْصِرافي عنِ المَعالي
والغَرْبُ مِن دُونِها فليلُ

4. So strongly did I pursue them
The great with them seems small

٤. فاشتَدَّ في إِثْرِها مِسَحٌّ
كُلُّ كَثِير بها قَلِيلُ

5. In a gathering that rivals stars
As minds raced to describe it

٥. في مَجْلِسٍ شابَهُ التَّصابي
وطارَدَتْ وَصْفَه العُقُولُ

6. Its entrance like a captive
Blocked by spears thrust in its midst

٦. كأَنَّما بابُهُ أَسيرٌ
قد عَرَضَتْ وَسْطَه نُصُولُ

7. Speech from it was forced
Yet it would not speak

٧. يُرادُ منه المَقال قَسراً
وهْو على ذاكَ لا يَقُولُ

8. It looked at us from its pain
A sea of blood flowing beneath

٨. يَنْظُرُ مِنْ لِبْدِهِ لَدَيْنَا
بَحْرُ دَمٍ تَحْتَه يَسِيلُ

9. Our footsteps upon it
Like ships with no guide

٩. كأَنَّ أَخفافَنا علَيْه
مَراكِبٌ ما لها دَلِيلُ

10. Lost, not knowing where to flow
Wearily drifting on its bank

١٠. ضَلَّتْ فَلَمْ تَدْرِ أَيْنَ تَجْرِي
فَهْيَ على شطِّهِ تُقِيلُ