
The band of enemies is split by your firm resolve,

فريق العدا من حد عزمك يفرق

1. The band of enemies is split by your firm resolve,
And from your might those who feared are in tatters and rags.

١. فريق العِدا مِن حَدِّ عَزمِكَ يفرقُ
وبِالدَّهرِ مِما خافَ بَطشَك أولَقُ

2. You confronted him while good fortune circles you,
And you bested him while victory lies beneath you in ambush.

٢. تَيَممتهُ وَالسَّعدُ حَولَك جَحفلٌ
وقارعتَه والنَّصرُ دونَك خَندَقُ

3. You set in motion the millstones of war in an open field,
And you vanquished him while fate with whiteness was perfumed.

٣. أَدَرتَ رَحى الحَربِ الزّبُونِ بِساحَةٍ
وغالبتَه وَالجَوُّ بالبَيض يَعبَقُ

4. When your hand encompassed the pinnacle of his affair,
And the suffocated were bound by your clenching fist,

٤. فَلَما حَوت كَفاك رمَّة أَمرِهِ
وَشُدَّ بكفّ الحصرِ منهُ المُخنَّقُ

5. You gave him to drink from the clear wine of security,
When he tastes it, from having tasted it, he is freed from choking.

٥. وأَسقَيتَه مِن جَمَّة الأَمن صافِياً
إِذا ذاقَه من ذاقه يَتَمَطَّقُ

6. How many the likes of me, stealing your noble traits,
Freed by your pardon from the shackles of annihilation.

٦. وَكَم لَكَ مِثلي مُستَرقّ مكارمٍ
بِعَفوِكَ مِن رِقِّ المنيّة يُعتَقُ

7. I unveiled the sky of glory around you but did not find
Other than generosity from the goodness of your abode does speak.

٧. كَشفتُ سَماءَ المَجدِ عنكَ فَلَم أَجِد
سوى كَرمٍ عَن طيبِ خيمكَ يَنطِقُ

8. I returned to the meadows of your pardon so it gave freely,
With its edges, from your overflowing boons, pouring.

٨. وَرَدتُ رِياضَ العَفوِ منكَ فَجادَني
بأَرجائِها مِن مُزنِ نُعماكَ مُغدِقُ

9. If I thank you, my temples turning white,
No whiteness of temples, for glory, me did shake.

٩. فإِن أَنا أَشكركَ أبيضَ مُعرِقاً
فَلا هَزَّني لِلمَجدِ أَبيض مُعرِقُ