1. The cock crowed, so get up or get dressed
And let your heart overflow with the water of grapes
١. أَذَّنَ الدِّيكُ فَثُبْ أَوْ ثَوِّب
وانْضَحِ القَلْبَ بماءِ العِنَبِ
2. And contemplate a miraculous verse
Unlike any we've read in books
٢. وَتَأَمَّلْ آيةً مُعْجِزَةً
ما قَرَأْنَا مِثْلَها في الكُتُبِ
3. The pitcher bowed in obedience
And the dress of the jug wept and got wet
٣. رَكَعَ الإبْرِيقُ مِن طاعتِهِ
وبَكى فابْتَلَّ ثَوْبُ الأَكْوُبِ
4. Were it not for entertainment dispelling my worries
And I was enraptured until I tired of rapture
٤. وَلْوَلَ المِزْهَرُ يَنْفِي كُرَبي
وَتَطَرَّبْتُ فأَعْيا طَربَي
5. And a lad who stood up among us as a cupbearer
Like a fawn nursed among the chirping of insects
٥. ورَبِيبٍ قامَ فينا ساقِيًا
كالرَّشا أُرْضِعَ بَيْنَ الرَّبْرَبِ
6. A young gazelle described apart from the girls
She came swinging in the form of a boy
٦. ظَبْية دُونَ الصَّبايا قُصِّصَتْ
فأَتَتْ غَيْداءَ في شَكْل الصَّبي
7. The rose opened on her cheek
And her temple was guarded by a moody scorpion
٧. فُتِّحَ الوَرْدُ على صَفْحتِها
وحَماهُ صُدْغُها بالعَقْرَبِ
8. She walked towards me and I had fallen for her
With the gait of a bird towards a fox
٨. فَمشَتْ نَحْوِي وقد مُلِّكْتُها
مِشْيةَ العُصْفورِ نَحْوَ الثَّعْلَبِ
9. A cloud greeted us with its eyes
Imbibing the horizon with a pouring tear
٩. وغَمامٍ باكَرَتْنا عَيْنُهُ
تُتْرِعُ الأُفْقَ بدَمْعٍ صَيِّبِ
10. Like a sea that came upon us from above
Its sphere made of unspoiled pearls
١٠. مِثْلَ بَحْرٍ جَاءَنا مِن فَوْقِنا
جِرْمُه مِن لُؤْلُؤٍ لم يُثْقَبِ
11. It came close as if it would
Wipe the ground with its overflowing rain
١١. فَدَنا حتى حَسِبْنا أَنَّه
يَمْسَحُ الأَرْضَ بفَضْلِ الهَيْدَبِ
12. We asked it astounded by its beauty
Filling the eye with a wondrous sight
١٢. فسَأَلْناهُ وقد أَعْجَبَنا
حَشوُهُ العَيْنَ بمَرأى مُعْجِبِ
13. "What are you?" it said "A cloud
Whose palms were taught generosity by al-Nujayrah
١٣. أَنْتَ ماذا قالَ مُزْنٌ عَلَّمَتْ
كَفَّهُ النُّجْعةَ كَفَّا دَرِبِ
14. I was commanded by the East to quench your thirst
An act of mercy from Him to the farthest West"
١٤. سامَني بالشَّرْقِ أَنْ أَسْقِيَكُم
رَحْمةً منه بأَقْصَى المَغْرِبِ
15. We asked "Is this meant for us?"
It said "Can the glow of a planet be hidden?"
١٥. فَسَأَلْناهُ أَبِنْ ذاك لنا
قالَ هل يَخْفى ضِياءُ الكَوْكَبِ
16. "A king who opposed you
The builder of glory and rank"
١٦. مَلِكٌ ناصَبَ مَن خالَفَكُمْ
عامِرِيُّ المُنْتَمَى والمَنْصِبِ
17. So we knew it was a whiff of one
Who inherited generosity father after father
١٧. فَعلمْنا أَنَّهَا نَفْحةُ مَن
وَرِثَ الجُودَ أَباً بَعْدَ أَبِ
18. You have a palm-full of dew whose abundance
Has the spreading of moisture from every dune
١٨. لكَ كَفٌّ بالثُّرَيَّا فَيْضُها
ولها بَسْطُ النَّدَى مِن كَثَبِ
19. Like a bucket whose water is pure
Lighting with water the necklace of worries
١٩. كَقَلِيبٍ دَلْوُها مُتْرَعَةٌ
أَشْرَقَتْ بالماءِ عَقْدَ الكَرَبِ
20. The eyes can see in it the full moons
Of the saddled horses and the rising sun
٢٠. تُبْصِرُ العَيْنانِ منه إِنْ بَدا
قَمَرَ السَّرْجِ وشَمْسَ المَوْكِبِ
21. He was born to the glorious elite
Who descended to the highest ranks
٢١. أَنْجَبَتْهُ للمعالي أُسْرَةٌ
نَزَلُوا للمَجْدِ أَعْلَى الرُّتَبِ
22. With pristine, noble souls
In bodies of solid pedigree
٢٢. بنُفُوسٍ مِن سَناءٍ غَضَّةٍ
في جُسُومٍ بَضَّة من حَسَبِ
23. And faces shining or laughing
Amid the faces of worries
٢٣. ووُجُوهٍ مُشْرِقاتٍ أَوْ مَضَتْ
ضاحِكات في وُجُوهِ الكُرَبِ
24. Theirs are days of war that multiplied
Against their enemies the callers to war
٢٤. لهُمُ أَيّامُ حَرْبٍ كَثَّرَتْ
في عِداهُمْ داعِياتِ الحَرَبِ
25. `Amir could not withstand such feet
Nor `Amr ibn Ma`di Yakrib
٢٥. لم يُطِقْ عامِرُ قِدْما مِثْلَها
لا ولا عَمْرُو بن مَعْدِ يكرِبِ
26. They dragged the tail of glory while they
Fought fiercely in the shadow of unsheathed swords
٢٦. سَحَبُوا مِن ذَيْلِ مَجْد إِذْ هُمُ
للْوَغَى في ظِلِّ نَقْعٍ أَشْهَبِ
27. O son of the mother of glory, take it as a lesson
And earnestly consider words as desirable as play
٢٧. يا ابْن أُمِّ المَجْدِ خُذْها عِبْرةً
جِدّ قَوْلٍ يُشْتَهَى كاللَّعِبِ
28. You are adorned by the girls of affection
As the chest of the stallion is adorned by the forehead jewel
٢٨. مِن بَناتِ اللُّبِّ زانَتْكَ كما
زانَ صَدْرَ المُهْرِ حَلْيُ اللَّبَبِ
29. It is wine whose fragrance was captured
Heading toward you across the valley
٢٩. خَمْرةٌ مِن طيبِها قد سُبيَتْ
قَطَعَتْ نَحْوَكَ عَرْضَ السَّبْسَبِ