1. Zuheir swore off love, oh my dear,
Yet when the reminiscent mention him, he goes to them.
١. وآلى زُهَيْرُ الحُبِّ يا عزَّ أَنَّهُ
إِذا ذَكَرتْهُ الذَّاكِراتُ أَتاهَا
2. When mouths happen to speak of him one day,
It seems to me that I am kissing her mouth.
٢. إِذا جرتِ الأَفْواهُ يوْماً بذِكْرِهَا
يُخَيَّلُ لِي أَنِّي أُقَبِّلُ فاهَا
3. So I overwhelm the homes of those remembering, even if remote
Yearning from my abode for her love.
٣. فأَغْشَى دِيارَ الذَّاكِرينَ وإِن نَأَتْ
أَجارِع مِن دارِي هَوىً لهَواها