
We have left youth for every vain desire,

قد تركنا الصبا لكل غوى

1. We have left youth for every vain desire,
And we have cast off every fault and shame.

١. قَد تَرَكْنَا الصِّبا لكُلِّ غَوِىٍّ
وانْسَلَخْنَا مِن كُلِّ ذامٍ وعابِ

2. And we have devoted ourselves to the preaching of the aged,
Whose lives have told us of their passing away.

٢. وانْقَطَعْنَا لِواعِظَاتِ مَشِيبٍ
آذَنَتْنَا حَيَاتُهَا بذَهابِ

3. And if youth has borne with us,
Then it is ugly for us to persist in folly,

٣. وإِذا ما الصِّبا تَحَمَّلَ عنَّا
فقَبِيحٌ بنا ارْتِضَاءُ التَّصابِي

4. And we rode till the night hurried on,
And the dawn came, cutting off all means.

٤. وارْتَكَضْنَا حتَّى مَضَى اللَّيْلُ يَسْعى
وأَتى الصُّبْحُ قاطِعَ الأَسْبَابِ

5. As though the stars in the night were an army,
Who went into ambush in the belly of a forest,

٥. فكأَنَّ النُّجُومَ في اللَّيْلِ جَيْشٌ
دَخَلُوا للْكُمُونِ في جَوْفِ غابِ

6. And as though the dawn were a huntsman,
Whose hand grasped the feet of a crow,

٦. وكأَنَّ الصَّبَاحَ قانِصُ طَيْرٍ
قَبَضَتْ كَفُّه برِجْلِ غُرابِ

7. And like a polished sword that night inclined,
And let down its plaited hair.

٧. وفُتُوٍّ سَرَوْا وقد عَكَفَ اللَّيْ
لُ وأَرْخَى مُغْدَوْدِنَ الأَطْنَابِ

8. And as though the stars when they faded before it
Shone for the eyes from among veils.

٨. وكأَنَّ النُّجُومَ لمّا هَدَتْهُم
أَشرقَتْ للعُيُونِ مِن آدابِي

9. And as though the lightnings when they appeared to them
Were kindled in its heaven from some fiery stones.

٩. وكأَنَّ البُرُوقَ إِذ طالَعَتْهُم
أُوقِدَتْ في سَمائِهَا مِن شِهابِي

10. They steal away the fruit of every desolate region,
The wing of a night whose steeds are from my she-camels.

١٠. يَتَقَرَّوْنَ جَوْزَ كُلِّ فَلاةٍ
جُنْحَ لَيْلٍ جَوْزَاؤُه من رِكابِي

11. From talking of me in their assembly they desisted,
And turned to discuss some strange and wondrous matter.

١١. عَنَّ ذِكْرِي لمُدْلجِيهِمْ فتاهُوا
مِن حَدِيثِي في عُرْضِ أَمْرٍ عُجَابِ

12. A high ambition in the sky draws a train,
Of trains of elevation but determination declines.

١٢. هِمَّةٌ في السَّمَاءِ تَسْحَبُ ذَيْلاً
مِن ذُيُولِ العُلا وجَدٌّ كابِي

13. And a youth whom the ideals made delicate,
So that the patrician broke him with the rod of might.

١٣. وفَتًى أَرْهَفَتْ ظُبَاهُ المَعَالِى
فَثَنَتْهُ بالباتِرِ القِرْضَابِ

14. Days and nights disgraced him,
With good fortune in blows and frowns.

١٤. نَيَّبَتْهُ أَيَّامُهُ ولَيالِي
هِ بظُفْرٍ مِن الخُطُوبِ ونابِ

15. One whom the caprices of nights, if he saw them,
Would hide from them in fear in a veil.

١٥. حُوَّلٌ لَوْ رآهُ صَرْفُ اللَّيَالي
لَتَوَارى مِن خَوْفِهِ في حِجابِ

16. He tasted of his days, and they were the same,
The savor of their honey and their bitterness to him.

١٦. ذاقَ أَيّامَهُ فكانَ سَواءً
عِنْدَهُ طَعْمُ شُهْدِها والصّابِ

17. And if the world were a generous rewarder
It would not be a mouthful for the horse of the dogs.

١٧. ولَو انَّ الدُّنْيَا كَرِيمةُ نَجْرٍ
لم تَكُنْ طُعْمَةً لفَرْسِ الكِلابِ

18. And when I look what others than I have won,
My burden that I carry in my clothes is lightened.

١٨. وإِذا ما نَظَرْتُ ما حازَ غَيْرِي
قلَّ عمّا حَمَلْتُهُ في ثِيابِي

19. A carcass that has stunk, to which
The young ones of her people of the vultures hurry.

١٩. جِيفةٌ أَنْتَنَتْ فطارَ إلَيْهَا
مِن بَني دَهْرِها فِرَاخُ الذِّئَابِ

20. Of a martyr in his mystery, then of an ardent lover
Who is secret in his ardency from the subtle of the subtle.

٢٠. مِن شُهَيْدٍ في سِرِّهَا ثُمَّ مِنْ أَش
جَعَ في السِّرِ مِن لُبَابِ اللُّبَابِ

21. The orators of mankind, if an address fails them,
And the Bedouins in the deserts of the Arabs.

٢١. خُطَبَاءُ الأَنَام إنْ عَنَّ خَطْبٌ
وأَعارِيبُ في مُتُونِ عِرابِ