1. When he was filled with his drunkenness
And slept while the eyes of the guards slept
١. ولمّا تَمَلأَ مِن سُكْرِهِ
فنامَ ونامَت عُيونُ العَسَسْ
2. I drew near to him from afar
The approach of a gentle friend who saw what he sought
٢. دَنَوْتُ إِلَيهِ على بُعْدِهِ
دُنُوَّ رَفِيقٍ دَرَى ما الْتَمَسْ
3. I speak to him with the murmur of worry
And rise to him with the ascent of a soul
٣. أَدِبُّ إِلَيْهِ دَبِيبَ الكَرَى
وأَسْمُو إِلَيْهِ سُمُوَّ النَّفَسْ
4. I kiss from him the whiteness of cheeks
And sip from him the darkness of radiant eyes
٤. أُقَبِّلُ منه بَياضَ الطُّلَى
وأَرْشُفُ منه سَوادَ اللَّعَسْ
5. I spend my night with him in bliss
Until the bud of the rose tree smiled
٥. وبِتُّ به لَيْلتي ناعِماً
إِلى أَنْ تَبَسَّمَ ثَغْرُ الغلَسْ