
When he was filled with his drunkenness

ولما تملأ من سكره

1. When he was filled with his drunkenness
And slept while the eyes of the guards slept

١. ولمّا تَمَلأَ مِن سُكْرِهِ
فنامَ ونامَت عُيونُ العَسَسْ

2. I drew near to him from afar
The approach of a gentle friend who saw what he sought

٢. دَنَوْتُ إِلَيهِ على بُعْدِهِ
دُنُوَّ رَفِيقٍ دَرَى ما الْتَمَسْ

3. I speak to him with the murmur of worry
And rise to him with the ascent of a soul

٣. أَدِبُّ إِلَيْهِ دَبِيبَ الكَرَى
وأَسْمُو إِلَيْهِ سُمُوَّ النَّفَسْ

4. I kiss from him the whiteness of cheeks
And sip from him the darkness of radiant eyes

٤. أُقَبِّلُ منه بَياضَ الطُّلَى
وأَرْشُفُ منه سَوادَ اللَّعَسْ

5. I spend my night with him in bliss
Until the bud of the rose tree smiled

٥. وبِتُّ به لَيْلتي ناعِماً
إِلى أَنْ تَبَسَّمَ ثَغْرُ الغلَسْ