
I helped a man whose eyes overflowed

أعينا امرءا نزحت عينه

1. I helped a man whose eyes overflowed
Be not amazed at unfeeling eyelids

١. أَعِينا امْرَءاً نَزَحَتْ عَيْنُهُ
ولا تَعْجَبا مِن جُفُونٍ جِمادِ

2. When the heart scorches him with its ardour
Then tears are the outpouring of the heart

٢. إِذا القَلْبُ أَحْرَقَهُ بَثُّهُ
فإِنَّ المَدامِعَ شِلْوُ الفُؤادِ

3. The youth yearns for an empty spring
And the good fortune of death in every valley

٣. يَوَدُّ الفَتى مَنْهَلاً خالِياً
وسَعْدُ المَنِيَّةِ في كُلِّ وادِ

4. And he knows what's in his hands for the universe
Yet the universe is but a harbinger of corruption

٤. ويَعْرِفُ للكَوْنِ ما في يَدَيْهِ
وَما الكَوْنُ إِلا نَذِيرُ الفَسادِ

5. Time has stumbled with the forerunners
And death has not failed to outrun the steed

٥. لقد عثر الدّهْرُ بالسابقي
نَ ولم يُعْجِزِ المَوْتَ ركض الجَوادِ

6. By your life, ruin's suspicion is irreversible
Suspected yet no fighter with endeavor

٦. لَعَمْرُكَ ما رَدَّ رَيْبَ الرَّدَى
أَرِيبٌ ولا جَاهِدٌ باجْتِهادِ

7. The arrows of doom strike the youth
Even if they shot wide of the mark

٧. سِهامُ المَنايا تُصِيبُ الفَتى
ولَوْ ضَرَبُوا دُونَه بالسِّدادِ

8. They hit their target with their onslaught
And deafened a folk in their abode

٨. أَصَبْنَ على بَطْشِهِمْ جُرْهُما
وأَصْمَيْنَ في دارِهِمْ قَوْمَ عَادِ

9. And crippled a dog in its prime
Yet it took no pride in the purebred steeds

٩. وأَقْعَصْنَ كَلْباً على عِزِّهِ
فما اعْتَزَّ بالصّافِناتِ الجيادِ

10. But my comrades betrayed me
And I recoiled, failing my purpose

١٠. وَلَكِنَّني خانَني مَعْشَرِي
ورُدْتُ يَفاعاً وبِيلَ المَرادِ

11. Has the sword ever struck without a wrist?
Has the head ever stood without a neck?

١١. وَهل ضَرَبَ السّيْفُ مِن غَيْرِ كَفٍّ
وهل ثَبُتَ الرَّأْسُ في غَيْرِ هادِ