
Does the death of a great man come every year?

أفي كل عام مصرع لعظيم

1. Does the death of a great man come every year?
My new and old companions have met their fate.

١. أَفي كُلِّ عامٍ مَصْرَعٌ لعَظِيم
أَصابَ المَنَايا حادِثِي وقَدِيمي

2. The bright moon of Qays ibn Aylan has just set -
And the place of a leader seems empty as a howling desert dog.

٢. هَوَى قَمَرا قَيْسِ بْن عَيْلانَ آنِفاً
وأَوْحَشَ مِن كَلْبٍ مَكَان زَعِيمِ

3. So how can I meet misfortunes if they spread?
My sword is blunted, and my resolve weakened against them.

٣. فَكَيْفَ لِقَائِي الحادِثَاتِ إِذا سَطَتْ
وقد فُلَّ سَيْفِي منهُمُ وعَزِيمِي

4. And how can I find my way if darkness falls?
When my eyes have lost the light of my guiding stars.

٤. وكَيْفَ اهْتِدائي في الخُطُوبِ إِذا دَجَت
وقد فَقَدَتْ عَيْنَايَ ضَوْءَ نُجُومِي

5. The worthy ancestors have passed away, leaving only
A few like the patch on a worn out black shirt.

٥. مَضَى السَّلَفُ الوَضَّاحُ إِلا بَقِيّةً
كغُرّةِ مُسْوَدِّ القَمِيصِ بَهيمِ

6. I have cast them away from me into the horizons, strange,
Because of the pounding of my grieving heart.

٦. رَمَيت بها الآفاقَ عَنِّى غَرِيبَةً
نَتِيجةَ خَفَّاقِ الضُّلُوعِ كَظِيمِ

7. I confess my inner secrets to the people of virtue,
And offer excuses for my outward flaws.

٧. لأُبْدِي إِلى أَهْلِ الحِجَا مِن بَواطِنِي
وأُدْلِي بعذْرٍ في ظَوَاهِرِ لُومِ

8. I am the sword - no wielder's hand grew tired of me,
I am deadly when I meet the hand of one who is deadly.

٨. أَنا السيْف لم تَتْعَبْ به كَف ضارِبٍ
صَرومٌ إِذا صادَفْت كَفَّ صَرومِ

9. I sought the free men, but they betrayed me,
Men - I was not helped by the resolve of the great ones.

٩. سَعَيْتُ بأَحْرَارِ الرِّجَالِ فخانَنِي
رِجَالٌ ولم أُنْجَدْ بجَدّ عَظِيمِ

10. The kings neglected me from the start and return,
So I was disgraced among them and their women.

١٠. وضيَّعَنِي الأَمْلاكُ بَدْءاً وعَوْدةً
فضِعْت بدارٍ منهُم وحَرِيمِ

11. If the nights ride me roughly,
I rode before them the collapse of Tamim.

١١. فإِنْ رَكِبَتْ منِّي اللَّيَالِي هَضِيمةً
فقَبْلِيَ مَا كانَ اهْتِضَام تَمِيمِ

12. By my father's life, if not for their transgression,
I would have appeared among their leaders with eminence.

١٢. أَما وأَبِي الأَيَّام لَوْلا اعْتِدَاؤهَا
لَظَاهَرْت في ساداتِهَا بقُرومِ

13. And I would have opposed those who sought to oppose me,
With dreams of heroism or the madness of the brave.

١٣. وقَارَعْت مَن يَبْغِي قِرَاعِي منهم
بأَحْلامِ بَطْشٍ أَوْ بِطَيْش حلُومِ

14. They heaped blame on me, no, their fathers are not to blame,
And by the Lord of Glory, I am not to blame.

١٤. أَحَلُّوا مَلامِي لا أَبَا لأَبِيهِم
وإِنِّي ورَبِّ المَجْدِ غَيْر مَلُومِ

15. So do not rebuke me if I have strayed, for it is
The relationship of ink, not the relationship of sand.

١٥. فَلا تَعْذُلُونِي إِنْ وَلِهْت فإِنَّهَا
علاقةُ حَبْرٍ لا علاقةُ رِيمِ

16. Abu Abdillah, we have excused you, when we returned
And left you, not slighted.

١٦. أَبا عَبْدةٍ إِنَّا عَذَرْناك عِنْدَمَا
رَجَعْنَا وغَادَرْنَاك غَيْرَ ذَمِيمِ

17. Shall we abandon one whose land we inhabited
And from his vessel drank the water of knowledge?

١٧. أَنَخْذُل مَن كُنَّا نَرود بأَرْضِهِ
ونَكْرَع منه في إِناءِ علُومِ

18. And the blindness is lifted from us by the light of his wisdom
When the gloom of clouds overwhelmed us.

١٨. ويَجْلُو العَمَى عنَّا بأَنْوارِ رأيهِ
إِذا أَظْلَمَت ظَلْمَاءُ ذات غُيومِ

19. It is as if you did not inseminate with a scent of virtue
The wombs of dens with anything but fruitful seed.

١٩. كأَنَّكَ لم تُلْقِحْ برِيحٍ مِن الحِجَا
عَقَائِمَ أَوْكَارٍ بغَيْرِ عَقِيمِ

20. We did not rely on your abundance morning and night,
But always headed to the abode of the wise judge.

٢٠. ولم نَعْتَمِدْ مَغْنَاكَ غَدْواً ولم نزَلْ
نَؤُمُّ لفَصْلِ الحُكْمِ دارَ حَكِيمِ