
Alas for the scribbling of a feeble old man

ويح الكتابة من شيخ هبنقة

1. Alas for the scribbling of a feeble old man
Whose bleary eyes see but the mists before them

١. ويْح الكِتابَة مِن شَيْخٍ هَبنَّقَةٍ
يلْقَى العُيُون برأَسٍ مُخْهُ رارُ

2. And whose rancid breath, if conversed with at all
Is like the last gasps of a rat up his nostril

٢. ومُنْتِنِ الرِّيحِ إِنْ نَاجَيتَهُ أَبداً
كأَنَّما مات في خَيْشُومِهِ فارُ