
Her charms enticed me from Suleima and Adwar,

شجته مغان من سليمى وأدؤر

1. Her charms enticed me from Suleima and Adwar,
And others I left behind those two.

١. شَجتْهُ مغَانٍ مِن سُلَيْمى وأَدْؤرُ
وأُخْرى اعْتَلَقْنَا دُونَهُنَّ ودُونَها

2. Palaces and curtains, rulers and tribes -
The water of bliss adorns them and surrounds them.

٢. قُصُورٌ وحُجّاب ووالٍ ومعْشَرُ
يُزَيِّنُها ماءُ النَّعيمِ وحفَّها

3. The most verdant of dwellings, the most blissful life,
When the needy man heads for it, he is turned away.

٣. مِن العيْشِ فَيْنَانُ الأَراكَةِ أَخْضَرُ
إِذا رامهَا ذُو حاجة صدَّ وجْهَهُ

4. The shy, wild cows, and the broken, twisted trees,
And from a dome that no eye can see the top of,

٤. ظُبا الباتِراتِ والوشِيجُ المُكَسَّرُ
ومِن قُبّةٍ لا يُدْرِكُ الطَّرْفُ رأَسها

5. The wind makes it sway, so it slides down,
When the winds contend with it, it directs

٥. تَزِلُّ بها رِيحُ الصَّبا فَتَحدَّرُ
إِذا زاحمتْ منها المخَارِم صوَّبتْ

6. Them far into the distance, while it snarls loudly.
I indulged myself while the night surged with its seas,

٦. هُويّا على بُعْدِ المدى وهْي تَجْأَرُ
تَكَلَّفْتُهَا واللَّيْلُ قد جاشَ بحْرُهُ

7. And its waves were crashing.
Beneath my bosom is a smooth white branch,

٧. وقد جعلَتْ أَمْواجُهُ تَتَكَسَّرُ
ومِن تَحْتِ حِضْني أَبْيضٌ ذُو سَفَاسِقٍ

8. And in my palm a dark one from a slender willow.
They are my two companions since my youth,

٨. وفي الكَفِّ مِن عسّالةِ الخَطِّ أَسْمرُ
هُما صاحِباي مِن لَدُن كُنْتُ يافِعاً

9. Supporting the vigor of the young man when he stumbles.
This is a brook in a scabbard from which wishes are watered,

٩. مُقِيلانِ مِن جدِّ الفَتَى حين يَعْثُرُ
فذا جَدْوَلٌ في الغِمْدِ تُسْقَى به المُنَى

10. And this is a bough in the palm which fruits and blooms.
To the abode of Layla, still alone at Dhu Gaddah,

١٠. وذا غُصُنٌ في الكَفِّ يُجْنَى فيُثْمِرُ
إِلى بَيْتِ لَيْلى وهو فَرْد بذي الغَضا

11. It lights the way for the lost and blossoms.
We stayed pressed together in our intense longing,

١١. يضِيءُ لعَيْنِ المُسْتَهَامِ ويزْهرُ
فبتْنَا على ضمٍّ لفَرْطِ اشْتِياقِنَا

12. Our livers almost cracked from it.
An expert charmer of the tents, notorious

١٢. تكادُ له أَكْبَادُنَا تَتَفَطَّرُ
ودَوِّيّةٌ مِن فِتْنَةٍ مُدْلَهِمّةٍ

13. For her devastating, reckless magic,
When she encountered the muleteers on their paths

١٣. دَرِيسِ الصَّوَى مَعْرُوفُهَا مُتَنَكِّرُ
إِذا جابَها الخِرِّيت في طُرُقَاتِهَا

14. They are blinded by her even if they can see.
You see the rational minds in their drunkenness

١٤. يَظَلُّ بها أَعْمَى وإِنْ كانَ يُبْصِرُ
تَرى ثابِتاتِ الحُكْمِ عِنْدَ اعْتِسافِها

15. Sliding down their supports and plunging down.
And if she took the reins of her husbands, she confuses them,

١٥. تَزلُّ على أَدْفافِها فَتَهَوَّرُ
وإِنْ سَلَكَتْ أَضْوَاجَهَا عَييَتْ بها

16. Startling the pacing camels so they shuffle along.
We walked the road until Yahya's hill appeared to us,

١٦. عَوارِبَ من ذِي مُطْرياتٍ تَزَجَّرُ
وسِرْنَا نَجُوزُ النَّهْجَ حتَّى بَدا لنا

17. Radiant and most verdant.

١٧. بغُرّةِ يَحْيى ساطِعُ اللَّوْنِ أَزْهَرُ