
I have not seen anyone like me, who has no contemporary,

ولم أر مثلي ما له من معاصر

1. I have not seen anyone like me, who has no contemporary,
Nor anyone flashing like me, who has no equal.

١. ولم أَرَ مِثْلِي ما له مِن مُعاصِرِ
ولا كمَضائِي ما له مِن مُضافِرِ

2. If I had a fracture in the air, I would ride
To it on the back of a sturdy, strong-winged bird.

٢. ولَوْ كانَ لِي في الجَوِّ كِسْرٌ أَؤمُّهُ
رَكِبْتُ إِلَيْه ظَهْرَ فَتْخاءَ كاسِرِ

3. She was about to collapse on me when she saw
My wounds from one of the major disasters.

٣. وهَمَّتْ بإِجْهاشٍ عليّ وقد رَأَتْ
مُصابيَ في آثار إِحْدى الكَبائِرِ

4. I said to her, "If you panic because of dangers,
Then you will never gain anything but dangers."

٤. فقُلْتُ لها إِنْ تَجْزعِي مِن مَخَاطِرٍ
فإِنَّكِ لن تَحْظَيْ بغَيْرِ الْمَخَاطِرِ

5. She craved the ripe fruits of abundance from me, though she
Has plenty at the watering places of the white-foreheaded camels.

٥. تَشَهَّتْ ثِمارَ الوَفْرِ مِني وإِنَّها
لَدَى كُلِّ مُبْيَضِّ العَنانِيز وافِرِ

6. By day he is awake with wicked vigilance,
And by night beneath the darkness he sleeps the sleep of the unbeliever.

٦. له في بَياضِ اليَوْمِ يَقْظةُ فَاجِرٍ
وتَحْتَ سَوادِ اللَّيْلِ هَجْعةُ كافِرِ

7. Restrain yourself until you see the outcome
Of the dispersal of this transient event.

٧. رُويْدَكِ حتَّى تَنْظُرِي عَمَّ تَنْجَلي
غَيابةُ هَذا العارِضِ المُتَناثِرِ

8. Beneath my resolve is a hill, like a cypress grove,
Made of prudence, Solomon-like in disasters.

٨. ودُونَ اعْتِزامِي هَضْبةٌ كِسْرَويّةٌ
مِن الحَزْمِ سَلْمانِيّةٌ في المَكاسِرِ

9. When we lean upon it, our resources gush forth
From the springs of destiny.

٩. إِذا نَحْنُ أَسنَدْنا إِلَيْها تَبَلَّجَتْ
مَوارِدُنا عن نَيِّراتِ المَصادِرِ

10. You, son of wisdom, are a reviver from its stumbling
When we rise at dawn, stumbling.

١٠. وأَنْتَ ابْنَ حَزْمٍ مُنْعِشٌ مِن عِثَارِها
إِذا ما شَرقْنا بالجُدُودِ العَواثِرِ

11. Wealth has never dragged its train
Toward his house, like the backs of excellent horses.

١١. وما جَرَّ أَذْيالَ الغِنى نَحْوَ بَيْتِهِ
كأَرْوَعَ مُعْرَوْرٍ ظُهُورَ الجَرائِرِ

12. When he craves the freshness of life, it spurns him
At the place where death's glimpse awaits the onlooker.

١٢. إِذا ما تَبَغَّى نَضْرةَ العَيْشِ كَرَّها
لَدَى مَشْرَعٍ للمَوْتِ لمحة ناظِرِ

13. So ask him gently to interpret it -
A brother of the Shafi'ites, noble in origin.

١٣. فَسَلَّ مِن التَّأوِيلِ فيها مُهَنَّداً
أَخُو شافِعِيّات كَرِيمُ العَناصِرِ

14. For the Mu'tazilite of opinion, remote from guidance,
Lost in purpose, blinded of insight.

١٤. لِمُعْتَزِليِّ الرّأَىِ ناءٍ عن الهُدَى
بَعِيدِ المرامِي مُسْتَمِيتِ البَصَائِرِ

15. In every battle he calls for help
From the backs of the pulpits, not the backs of the horses.

١٥. يُطالِبُ بالهنْدِيِّ في كُلِّ فَتْكَةٍ
ظُهُورَ المَذاكِي عن ظُهورِ المَنابِرِ
