
From the traces of a house in Akik made,

أمن رسم دار بالعقيق محيل

1. From the traces of a house in Akik made,
When we descended the rain, its wild beasts startled.

١. أَمِن رَسْمِ دارٍ بالعَقِيقِ مُحيلِ
وَلمّا هَبَطْنَا الغَيْثَ تُذْعَرُ وحْشُهُ

2. On every snarling rogue I loosened the reins,
And the she-camels of Al-A'waj raised the dawn.

٢. على كُلِّ خَوَّارِ العِنانِ أَسِيلِ
وَثارَتْ بَناتُ الأَعْوَجِيّاتِ بالضُّحَى

3. With maidens not hired from generous lineage,
We select the prime of them to repel a shirt or a group.

٣. أَبابِيلَ مِن أَعْطَافِ غَيْرِ وَبِيلِ
مُسَوَّمةً نَعْتَدُّها مِن خِيارِها

4. When the friends sang over their backs at forenoon
They responded to their chant with neighing.

٤. لطَرْدِ قَنِيصٍ أَوْ لطَرْدِ رعِيلِ
إِذا ما تَغَنَّى الصَّحْبُ فَوْقَ مُتُونها

5. We trod on them virgin mounts as though it were
The gown of a bride who was given notice of defloration.

٥. ضُحيّا أَجابَتْ نَحْتَهُمْ بصَهِيلِ
نَدُوسُ بها أَبْكارَ نَوْرٍ كأَنَّهُ

6. We shot at the breadth of Sowar until it was wounded,
We sang though we killed it without a victim.

٦. رِداءُ عَرُوسٍ أُوذِنَتْ بحَلِيلِ
رَمَيْنا بها عرْضَ الصُّوارِ فأَقْعَصَتْ

7. And my comrades hastened to alight, so she came
Like reddish stairs from fresh heating.

٧. أَغَنَّ قَتَلْنَاهُ بغَيْرِ قَتِيلِ
وبادَرَ أَصْحابي النُّزُولَ فأَقَبَلَتْ

8. We wipe our palms on it when we get but little from it,
And we said to its cupbearer, "Pass it round freely,

٨. كَرادِيسُ من عَضِّ الشَّواءِ نَشِيلِ
نُمَسِّحُ بالجودان مِنه أَكُفَّنا

9. Generously filling, and from your eyes sparing."
So he rose with his two cups obedient to our command,

٩. إِذا ما اقْتَنَصْنا منه غَيْرَ قَلِيلِ
فقُلْنا لساقِيها أَدِرْها سُلافةً

10. Inclining with it in kindness everyone who inclined.
He waved its fresh stems, continuously bending

١٠. شَمُولاً ومِن عَيْنَيْكَ صِرْفَ شَمُولِ
فقامَ بكأسَيْهِ مُطيعاً لأَمْرِنا

11. With a generous head from them and humility,
Until it laid them prostate from what they had imbibed

١١. يَمِيلُ به الإِدْلالُ كُلَّ ممِيلِ
وشَعْشَعَ راحَيْه فَمازالَ مائِلاً

12. Vile from might and excellence of intellects.
They sprawled on the blossoms as though they were

١٢. برأَسٍ كَرِيمٍ منهُمُ وتَلِيلِ
إِلَى أَن ثَناهُمْ راكِدِينَ لِما احْتَسوا

13. Pillars of a palace or trunks of palms.

١٣. خَلِيعِينَ مِن بَطْشٍ وفَضْلِ عُقُولِ
نَشاوَى على الزَّهْراءِ صَرْعَى كأَنَّهُمْ

١٤. أَساطِينُ قَصْرٍ أَوْ جُذُوعُ نَخِيلِ