1. We thought the one who called out at his death a liar,
Exaggerating the enormity of the calamity that befell him,
١. ظَنَنَّا الَّذِي نادى مُحِقَّا بمَوْتِهِ
لِعُظْمِ الَّذِي أَنْحَى منَ الرزءِ كاذِبَا
2. And we passed the bright morning as a night, though
We were only grieved and downcast by sorrow.
٢. وخلْنا الصَّباحَ الطلقَ لَيْلاً وإِنَّما
حَبَطْنا خُداريَّا مِن الحُزْنِ كارِبَا
3. We neglected worldly things when they became burdensome,
For we had lost you, O best of humanity, mourning.
٣. ثَكِلْنا الدُّنا لما اسْتَقَلَّ وإِنَّما
فقَدْناكَ يا خَيْرَ البَريّةِ ناعِبَا
4. You did not pass away when the grave took your soul,
Rather, it was Islam that retreated and departed.
٤. وما ذَهَبَتْ إِذ حَصَّلَ القَبْرُ نَفْسَهُ
ولكِنَّما الإِسْلامُ أَدْبَرَ ذاهِبَا
5. And when it refused anything but to bear the affliction,
We gave it the necks of the generous as mounts.
٥. ولمّا أَبَى إِلَّا التَّحَمُّلَ رائِحاً
مَنَحْناهُ أَعْناقَ الكِرامِ رَكائِبَا
6. The most splendid bier carries him, and around him
Are his closest relatives who came to the bereaved one.
٦. يَسِيرُ به النَّعْشُ الأَغَرُّ وحَوْلهُ
أَباعِدُ راحُوا للمُصابِ أَقارِبَا
7. Upon it is the rustling of angels who came
To greet a shaykh remembering Allah, repentant.
٧. علَيْهِ حَفِيف لِلْمَلائِكِ أَقْبَلَتْ
تُصافِحُ شَيْخاً ذاكِر اللَّه تائِبَا
8. You imagine the murmuring of people around his tomb
A mix of cats that shunned the law, fleeing.
٨. تخالُ لَفِيفَ النَّاسِ حَوْلَ ضَريحِهِ
خَلِيطَ قَطاً وافى الشَّرِيعَةَ هَارِبَا
9. When they pretend to shed tears, the branches
Of weeping, from the lightning flash of grief, ignite.
٩. إِذا ما امْتَرَوْا سُحْبَ الدُّمُوعِ تَفَرَّعَتْ
فُرُوعُ البُكا عن بارِقِ الحُزْن لاهِبَا
10. So who is there whose light shines in this art?
When we moan over the most painful successive calamities.
١٠. فمَن ذَا لِفَصْلِ القَوْلِ يَسْطَعُ نُورُهُ
إِذا نحنُ نَاوَأْنَا الألَدّ المناوبَا
11. And who is the spring of the Muslims that nourishes them
When people experience deceptive flashes like lightning?
١١. ومَن ذا رَبيعُ المُسْلِمينَ يَقُوتُهُم
إِذا النَّاسُ شامُوها بُرُوقا كَواذِبَا
12. Oh how my heart yearns! Ah my happiness melted away!
Our shaykh who defended us from misfortunes passed away.
١٢. فيا لَهْفَ قَلْبي آهِ ذابَتْ حُشاشتي
مَضى شَيْخُنا الدَّفَّاعُ عنَّا النَّوائِبَا
13. And he whose death caused happiness to disappear died,
Though sorrows from him remain unabating.
١٣. وماتَ الَّذِي غابَ السُّرُورُ لمَوْتِهِ
فلَيْسَ وإِنْ طالَ السُّرَى منه آيِبَا
14. He was great, at whose presence the group would bow down
And for him the Lord of the regiment would anxiously plead.
١٤. وكانَ عَظِيماً يُطْرِقُ الجَمْعُ عِنْدَهُ
ويَعْنُو له رَبُّ الكَتِيبةِ هائِبَا
15. And he whose severe words were like the cutting swords
Against the transgressors, striking in defense of the faith.
١٥. وذا مِقْوَلٍ عَضْبِ الغرارَيْنِ صارِم
يَرُوحُ به عن حَوْمَةِ الدِّينِ ضارِبَا
16. Abu Hatim, have the patience of the wise, for I saw
That patience in tribulation has the sweetest consequences.
١٦. أَبا حاتِم صَبْرَ الأَدِيبِ فإِنَّني
رَأَيْتُ جَمِيلَ الصَّبْرِ أَحْلَى عَواقِبَا
17. You never ceased to intimidate the days of time with strength
And hardness, lamenting the difficulties of misfortune.
١٧. وَما زِلْتَ فِيْنَا ترْهب الدَّهْرَ سطْوةً
وصَعْباً به نُعْي الخُطُوبَ المَصاعِبَا
18. I will blame the days for you, perhaps
They will seek for the health of that body a remedy.
١٨. سَأَسْتَعْتِبُ الأَيَّامَ فيكَ لَعَلَّها
لصِحَّةِ ذاك الجِسْمِ تَطْلُبُ طالِبَا
19. If the sun of glory has set on you,
It has indeed risen with a moon and stars.
١٩. لَئِنْ أَفَلَتْ شَمْسُ المكارِمِ عنكُمُ
لقد أَسأَرَتْ بَدْراً لها وكَواكِبَا