1. Like a bird that swoops as though its wings
Are a hidden conscience not defined by delusions,
١. وطائِرةٍ تَهْوِي كأَنَّ جَناحها
ضَمِيرٌ خَفِيُّ لا يُحَدِّدُهُ وهْمُ
2. Closely accompanying the garden as though
It finds in all that the meadows relinquish, sustenance,
٢. مُلازِمةٍ للرَّوْضِ حتى كأَنَّما
لها كُلُّ ما تفْتَرُّ عنه الرُّبى طُعْمُ
3. Drawing with its mouth the nectar purely and hiding
From its suitor what lies between its entrails, an arrow,
٣. تَمُجُّ بفِيها الشَّهْد صِرْفاً ويخْتَفِى
لمُشْتارِهِ ما بيْنَ أَحْشائِها سَهْمُ
4. Aloof from mankind, befriending the empty wilderness,
Scattering the nectar from itself is poison,
٤. مُنافِرةٍ للإِنْسِ تأنَسُ بالفَلا
مُفَرِّقةٍ للشَّهْدِ مِن بَعْضِها السُّمُّ
5. Its approach is sanity, to rend its veil
When it veils itself outside its days is injustice.
٥. فإِدْناؤُها رُشْدٌ وَهَتْكُ حِجابها
إِذا احْتَجَبتْ في غَيْرِ أَيَّامِها ظُلْمُ