
Sulayman gained from him a leg

نالت سليمان منه رجل

1. Sulayman gained from him a leg
Before he made his father limp

١. نالَتْ سُلَيمان منه رِجْلٌ
مِن قَبْلُ ما أَرْجَلَتْ أَباهُ

2. So they both summoned the unveilers of darkness
Oh what misery befalls a man despite his cleverness

٢. فاسْتَدْرجا كاشِفَي دُجاهُ
يا ويْلَةَ المرْءِ ما دهاهُ

3. Oh anger of the Lord Most High upon him
When the beloved extended her hands

٣. يا سُخْطَ ربِّ العُلا علَيْهِ
إِذْ أَدَّتِ المُرْتَضَى يَدَاهُ

4. None remained of the group of the exalted
Except Hisham the Most High his brother

٤. لم يُبْقِ مِن زُمْرةِ المعالِي
إِلا هِشامَ العُلا أَخاهُ

5. Oh Lord, guard him for me with an eye
That protects him from the harms of fate

٥. يا ربِّ فاحْرُسْهُ لِي بعيْنٍ
تَمْنَعُهُ الدَّهْر مِن أَذاهُ