1. O my people, for the misfortunes that attack by night,
And for the events that come through the mountain passes,
١. ألا يَا لَقَومى لِلهُمُومِ الطَّوَارِقِ
وَلِلحَدَثِ الجَائِى بإِحدَى المَضَايِق
2. And for the death of the two pillars who were our support,
Among the first defenders, the truthful and loyal,
٢. وَمَهلِكِ غِطريفَينِ كَانَا عِمَادَنَأ
مِنَ الذَّائِدِينَ المُقدِمِينَ الأَصَادِق
3. I heard the cornerstone cry out from the shrieking,
And the first star was eclipsed in the revolving sky.
٣. سَمِعتُ فَهَدَّ الرُّكنَ مِنِّ صَوَارِخٌ
وَقَد غَوَّرَت أَولَى النُّجُومِ الخَوَافِق
4. With the captivity of Hums, oh what a tragedy,
When war bares its teeth against the fair maidens.
٤. بِأَسرِ حُمَاةٍ يَا لَهَا مِن رَزِيَّةٍ
إِذا الحَربُ أَبدَت عَن خِدَامِ العَوَاتِقِ
5. And the death of Mirdas on his face in the heat of battle,
And his companions beneath the glittering swords.
٥. وَمَصرَعِ مِرداسٍ عَلَى حُرِّ وَجهِهِ
وَصُحبَتهِ تَحتَ السُّيُوف البَوَارِق
6. Two groups - this the dried-up branch of all,
And this the fresh shoots from the family of Barak.
٦. فَرِيقينِ هَذَا قَرمُ غَامِدَ كُلِّها
وَهَذَا الذَّرِى والفَرعُ مِن آلِ بَارِقِ
7. I am in despair at the loss of those I hoped to benefit from,
When the generous among us are destroyed.
٧. فَأُويِستُ مِمَّن كُنتُ آمُلُ نَفعَهُ
إِذَا نُسِفَت مِنّا كِرَامُ الخَلاًَئِقِ
8. And death's caller continued to call death upon us,
As the millstone of war turned at Al-Qusayr.
٨. وثوَّبَ دَاعِى المَوتِ بِالمَوتِ بَينَنَا
وَدَارَت رَحَى حَربٍ بِقُعسِ البَطارِقِ
9. There the women raised their hands like lamps in the night,
Or the glittering shine of carnelians.
٩. وَعَاذَت بِأَيدِيهَا النِّسَاءُ كأَنَّهَا
مَصَابِيحُ لَيلٍ أَو وَمِيضُ العَقائِقِ
10. Our houses and the army revolved madly in the tumult,
As children play wildly with their toy windmills.
١٠. ودُرُنَا وَدَارَ الجَمعُ فِى حَمَسِ الوَغَى
كَمَا دَارَ وِلدَانٌ لَهُوا بِالمَخَارِقِ
11. There neither life will be prolonged for its benefit,
Nor is averting disasters hoped for.
١١. هُنالِكَ لاَ يُزجِى حَيَاهَا لِنَفعِهَا
إِيَاسٌ وَلاَ يُرجَى لِدَفعِ البَوَائِقِ
12. So weep, O eye, for the people of virtue and wisdom,
The poison of the enemy, and weep for the defenders of truth.
١٢. فَيَا عينُ بَكِّى الرَّاتِقِينَ أُولِى النُّهَى
سِمَامًَ العِدَى وَابكِى حُمَاةَ الحقائِقِ
13. Weep in despair, O knight of war, and mourn
Their protection amidst the frenzied attacks at every pass.
١٣. وَبَكَّى إِيَاساً فَارِسَ الحَرب ِواندُبِى
حِمَاهَا لَدَى الهَيجَاءِ فِى كُلِّ مَأزِقِ
14. The people of Azd in Iraq and Syria are grieved,
As are the Azd in Oman, by the towering calamities.
١٤. فَقَد فُجِعَت أَزدُ العِرَاقِ وَشَامِهَا
وَأزدُ عُمَانٍ بِالطَّوالِ الغَرَانِقِ
15. It left our valley desolate and frightened its people away,
And replaced its horsemen with ostriches.
١٥. وأمحَلَ وَادِينَا وَأَوحَشَ أَهلُهُ
وَبُدّلَ مِن فُرسَانِهِ بِالنَّوَاعِقِ
16. My soul has thus become saddened by it all,
And my separation from them has turned my hair gray.
١٦. فَقَد أَصبَحَت نَفسِى لِذَاكَ حَزِينَةً
وَشَابَ لِمَا حُمِّلتُ مِنهُ مَفَارِقِى
17. I have no more desire for life now they are gone,
Now they have vanished for all time.
١٧. فَمَا أَنَا فِى طُولِ الحَيَاةِ بِرَاغِبٍ
وَمَا أَنَا إِذ بَانُوا لِدَهرٍ بِوَامِقِ
18. Would that death's arrows had struck me down,
And avoided Abu Bakr with his piercing enemies,
١٨. فَلَيتَ المَنَايَا أَقصَدَتنِى سِهَامُهَا
وَعَاقَت أَبَا بَكرٍ بِزَحرٍ عَوَائِقِى
19. And had not left me in the chaos of vile rabble,
Fleeing in panic the morning after the night attack,
١٩. وَلَم تُبقِ فِى طَيشٍ رَعَاعٍ أّذِلَّةٍ
عَوَاوِيرَ فِى الهَيجَا غَداةَ التَّلاَحُقِ
20. When men's fortitudes take wing, and the brother of death
Throws himself beneath the flashing blades.
٢٠. إذَا مَا الخُصى طَارَت وَجادَ بِنَفسِهِ
أَخُو المَوتِ تَحتَ اللاَّمِعَات الخَوافِقِ
21. When the protector protected his father, and people of rank
Drew themselves up proudly in their lofty homes.
٢١. وَحَامَى المُحَامِى عَن أَبِيهِ وَبَرَّزَت
بأَحسَابِهَا أَهلُ البُيُوتِ الشَّوَاهِقِ
22. And the youths in turbans fled in their fear,
While the protectors of the army shielded its founder from harm.
٢٢. وَعَرَّدَ أَبنَاءُ اللِّثَامِ مَخَافَةً
وَحَامَى حُماةُ الجَمعِ عَن ذِى الوَشَائِقِ
23. Though I am distraught, mournful and rent with grief,
Restless from the specters of misfortune attacking by night,
٢٣. وَإن أَكُ مَفجُوعاً حَزِيناً مُرَزَّأً
يُؤَرِّقُنِى طَيفُ الهُمُومِ الطَّوَارِقِ
24. I am neither weak, nor lacking in strength,
Nor a feeble man fearing those accompanying me.
٢٤. فَمَا أَنَا بِالوَانِى وَلاَ عَاجِزِ القُوَى
وَلاَ نَزِقٍ يَخشَى أَذَاتِى مُرَافِقِى
25. I am no foolish slanderer insulting my cousin,
Nor on any day am I an inarticulate stammerer.
٢٥. وَلاَ لاَطمٍ وَجهَ ابنِ عَمِّى سَفَاهَةً
وَلاَ أَنَا بِالعَورَاءِ يَوماً بِنَاطِقِ