1. A youth came to you from honorable Maḍḥij
Brave against enemies, never retreating
١. أتاكُم غُلامٌ مِن عَرَانِنينِ مَذحِجٍ
جَرىءٌ على الأعدَاءِ غَيرُ نَكُولِ
2. So O son of Ziyad, lament with greatest sorrow
And taste the sharpness of my polished blades
٢. فَيَا ابنَ زِيَادٍ بُؤ بِأعظَمِ مَأبَإٍ
وَذُق حَدَّ مَاضِى الشَّفرَتَينِ صَقِيلِ
3. We struck you with the sword of wrath but did not flee
When we, a killer, met with one to be killed
٣. ضَرَبنَاكَ بِالعُضبِ الحُسَامِ فَلَم نَجُر
إِذَا مَا أَبَأنَا قَاتِلا بِقَتِيلِ
4. May God reward well the police of God, they
Quenched yesterday the burning thirst of their oppressed
٤. جَزَى اللهُ خَيراً شُرطَةَ اللهِ إِنَّهُم
شَفَوا مِن عُبَيدِ اللهِ أمسِ غَلِيلِى
5. And Hind deserves to be led in chains
She who wed Isaac's son, the worst of spouses
٥. وَأَجدِر بِهِندٍ أن تُسَاقَ سَبسَّةُ
لَهَا مِن بَنشى إسحَاقَ شَرُّ حَلِيلِ