1. I have attained my goal and performed the sacred rites,
So your youth has returned after old age.
١. بلغت المنى وحللت الحرَم
فعاد شبابك بعد الهرَم
2. Welcome, o Mecca, a thousand welcomes to you,
And thanks to the one whose gratitude is binding.
٢. فأهلاً بمكةً اهلاً بها
وشكراً لمن شكرُه يلتزم
3. The Prophet whose intercession is protection,
On the day of mutual calls, in him we seek refuge.
٣. نبيّ شفاعته عصمة
فيوم التّنادى به يعتصم
4. May our prayer be answered for us,
With it we will suffice for whatever worries us.
٤. عسى أن تُجاب لنا دعوة
لديه فنكفى بها ما أهم
5. And he watches over his visitors tomorrow,
He still protects those under his responsibility.
٥. ويرعى لزوّاره في غدٍ
ذماماً فما زال يرعى الذَمم
6. Peace be upon him, and blessed is he who
Touched his grave’s soil and received it.
٦. عليه السلام وطوبى لمن
المَّ بتربته فاستلم
7. My brother, how much we follow our whims,
And grope blindly in the darkness.
٧. أخي كم نتابع أهواءنا
ونخبِط عشواءها في الظُّلم
8. Slow down, you have strayed, be moderate
The path ahead of you is the clearest path.
٨. رويدك جرت فعج واقتصد
أمامك نهجُ الطريق الأعم
9. Repent before the teeth of sorrow bite you
And before the knock of regret makes you old.
٩. وتُب قبل عضِّ بنانِ الأسى
ومن قبل قرعك سنّ الندم
10. And say “My Lord grant me mercy tomorrow
For a servant, especially the disobedient ones be kind.”
١٠. وقل ربّ هب رحمةً في غد
لعبدِ بسيما العُصاة اتسم
11. He sinned in the battlefields of disobedience,
Doing wrong and denied the blessings.
١١. جرى في ميادين عصيانه
مسيئاً ودان بكفر النّعم
12. So my Lord overlook what he has harvested
And my Lord pardon us for what we have sown.
١٢. فيا ربَّ صفحك عما جنى
ويارب عفوك عنا اجترم