
No, not the bending boughs and gentle breeze

لا وأعطاف الغصون الميس

1. No, not the bending boughs and gentle breeze
That soothe the weary soul and bring it ease,

١. لا وَأعطَافِ الغُصُون المُيَّسِ
وَالصَّبَا تُزجِي عَلِيلَ النَّفسِ

2. Nor smile of meadow at the dawn's first light
When glittering dew drops grace narcissus bright.

٢. وَابتِسَامِ الرَّوضِ لِلطِّلِّ وقد
رَقرَقَ الدَّمع بجَفنِ النَّرجِسِ

3. A day of joy we've never seen before,
Where every wish is granted and much more.

٣. مَا رَأينَا يَومَ أنسٍ مِثلهُ
كانَ أسنَى بُغيَةِ المُلتَمِسِ

4. The night it heralded fulfilled desire,
And souls embraced in warmth by firelight.

٤. وَتَلتهُ ليلةٌ صَفحتُها
ألفَت شَملَ اقِترَاحِ الأنفُسِ

5. With laughter destiny our wishes crowned,
And in those smiles, ecstasy was found.

٥. أضحَكَ اللَّهوُ بَنَا ثَغرَ المنى
فبَدَت سُمرَتُها كاللعَسِ

6. That palace drew together far and wide
To that young man it was an eventide.

٦. جُمِعَت أطرافُها مِن قِصَرٍ
لِلفَتَى مَغرِبُها كالغَلسِ

7. The flowers of night their jewelry put on
And shone like stars arranged in diadem.

٧. وَسَمَت زُهرُ اللَّيالِي حِليَة
فَتَحَلَّت بِنُجُومِ الأكؤُسِ

8. The vintner's daughter, a bridal vision,
Revealed the beauty of that celebration.

٨. وَابنَة الكَرمِ عَرُوس تُجتَلى
فَتَخَيَّل حُسنَ ذاكَ المَعرَسِ

9. An outing led by chance right to this spot,
That furtive glance left ne'er to be forgot.

٩. نُزهَةٌ قادَت إليهَا زَورةٌ
فاغتَنِمهَا نَظرَةَ المُختَلِسِ

10. Oh what a majlis where I found success!
Graced by a noble youth none could impress.

١٠. يَا لهُ مِن مَجلِسِ فُزتُ بِهِ
مِن فَتًى شَرَّفَ صَدرَ المَجلِسِ

11. His glory flowed from his scabbard fine,
More precious than all gems or gold that shine.

١١. عِلقُ مَجدٍ جَادَ مِن خلَّتِه
بالعَلَقِ الخَطيرش الأنفَسِ

12. High praise to Abu Amr Ibn Murtada!
His eloquence made even mutes applaud.

١٢. لأبي عَمرو بن مَرتينَ عُلاً
أنطَقَت بالمدحِ أهلَ الخَرَسِ

13. Noble in upbringing, knowledge and thought,
His manners all sublime virtues have wrought.

١٣. أروَعُ يُطلِعُمِن آدابِهِ
شُهُباً تَجلُو دَيَاجِي الحِندسِ

14. Keen as a child yet wise as the aged,
His intellect like sparks from flint engaged.

١٤. ذُو بَنانٍ مِثلَ شُؤبُوبِ الحَيَا
وَذَكَاءٍ كَاشتِعَالِ القَبَسِ

15. If you vie with him in a race to glory,
Like steeds you'll find he has outpaced your story.

١٥. مَن يُسَابِقُهُ إِلى مَعلُوةٍ
رَامَ بِالعيرِ سِبَاقَ الفَرَسِ