
You have become like gardens in my heart

أصبحت مثل الجنان في الصدر

1. You have become like gardens in my heart
I protect what it contains like a secret

١. أصبَحتَُ مِثلَ الجَنانِ في الصَّدرِ
أصونُ ما أحتَوِيهِ كَالسِّرِّ

2. In the best palace its courtyard shows you
At sunrise, the rising of the full moon

٢. في خَيرِ قَصرٍ تُريكَ ساحَتُهُ
في مَطلعِ الشَّمسِ مَطلعَ البَدرِ

3. It's as if I'm in the wall of its chamber
An eye, and my eyelid a door without latch

٣. كأنَّنِي في جِدَارِ مَجلِسِهِ
عَينٌ وَبابِي جَفنٌ بِلا شَفرِ

4. So leave, my witness, the dweller in it
With fortune and kingdom until the end of time

٤. فلتَدعُ يَا مُبصِرِي لِسَاكِنِهِ
بِالسَّعدِ وَالمُلكِ آخِرَ الدَّهرِ