1. My glad tidings, I saw you as the best leader
In the presence of holiness and grandeur
١. بُشرايَ أَبصَرتُكَ خَيرَ إمامِ
في حَضرَةِ القُدسِ والإِعظامِ
2. Now that the hand of fate has yielded to him
I pardon the wrongs of the days
٢. أما وَقَد ألقَت إِليه يدُ النَّوى
فلأعفُوَنَّ جِنايةَ الأيَّامِ
3. Had I wanted vengeance, I would have been
Among them nothing but lacking wisdom
٣. وَلوَ أنَّنِي شِئتُ انتِصاراً لم أكُن
فيهنَّ إِلاّ فاقِدَ الأحكامِ
4. I roused my determination, hiding resolutely
As if I was born with a drawn sword
٤. أنهَضتُ عََزمي فاستَّارَ مُصَمِّماً
فكَأنّني أُنبت غَربَ حُسامِ
5. I laid down my sleep wearing the garb of darkness
Yet I climbed not the stairs of slumber
٥. أهجَعتُ نومي لابساً خِلعَ الدُّجى
وَحدي فَما عَرَجتُ بالنُّوّامِ
6. A sleep that the years of misery deserted
So my eyelids tasted not the sweetness of sleep
٦. هي هَجعَة هجَرَت لها سِنَة الكَرَى
فالجَفنُ لم يُطعَم لذيذَ مَنامِ
7. I cared not for the dispersal of my kin by separation
As if for reunion, order exists in separation
٧. لم أكتَرِث لِشَتاتِ شَملي بالنَّوَآ
فكأنَّما للشَّملِ جَمعُ نِظامِ
8. Yearning for the seat of the caliphate, it is
The abode of guidance and sanctuary of Islam
٨. شوقاً إِلى دارِ الخِلافَةِ إنَّها
دارُ الهُدى ومُعَرَّسُ الإسلام
9. With each endowed rank befitting it
And a cheek through which the year flows
٩. من كُلِّ مُعطِيَةٍ على عِلاّتِهَا
وَخداً لها في الشَّهرِ سَيرُ العامِ
10. The Pleiades shy away from its lofty pinnacle
As if it was created without a pinnacle
١٠. جَبَّ السُّرَى منها سَنام فقارِها
فكأنّها خُلِقت بِغَيرِ سَنامِ
11. So it came like arrows released from a strong bow
Sometimes speeding faster than arrows
١١. فأتت كأمثالِ القِسِيِّ ضَوامراً
وَلرُبَّما مَرَقَت مُروقَ سِهَامِ
12. It reached the Commander of the Faithful through us
At the nadir of fate, it is the hand of favor
١٢. وافَت أميرَ المؤمنينَ بِنَا على
شَحطِ النَّوَى فَلهَا يَدُ الإنعَامِ
13. If I honored the free cheeks as a courtesy
It would not fulfill its duty of honor
١٣. لو أنعِلت حُرَّ الخُدودِ كَرامَةً
لم تَقضِ واجبَهَا مِنَ الإكرامِ
14. If we could, it would not tread the earth
Except on souls and bodies
١٤. وَلوِ استَطعنا لم تَكُن تَطأ الثرى
إِلاّ على الأرواحِ وَالأجسَامِ
15. So you may see, as long as rhythm moves it
It does not complain of the placement of the last foot
١٥. كَيمَا تَرى مادام إيضَاعٌ لهَا
لا تَشتَكِي من وضعِ خُفِّ دامِ
16. And with our love, if we did not burden it with travel
This right would belong to the feet
١٦. وبِوَدِّنا لو لم نُكلِّفها السُّرَى
لَيَكونَ هذا الحَقُّ للأقدامِ
17. Until the veil was lifted, there appeared to us
A sovereign, or say, the full moon
١٧. حتَّى إِذا رُفِعَ الحِجابُ بَدا لنَا
مَلِكٌ وقُل إن شِئتَ بَدرَ تَمامِ
18. So ambitious ardor calmed down
With ease from its smiling face
١٨. فتَسَكَّنَ الجَأشُ الطَّموحُ عُبابُهُ
بِطلاقَةٍ مِن وَجههِ البَسَّامِ
19. And all drew near to kiss his comfort
Which is the source of sustenance and portions
١٩. وَدَنَا الجَميعُ لِلثمِ راحَتِهِ التي
هِيَ مَعدِنُ الأرزاقِ والأقسامِ
20. And after hesitation, the outstretched hand of wishes
Shone, and the lightning flashed towards the clouds
٢٠. وانهَلَّ بَعدَ تَعَلُّلٍ بَسطُ المُنَى
فَتَلا وَميضُ البَرقِ صَوبُ غَمَامِ