1. I say, and I am cheered in the night by a fire,
Perhaps the lamp of guidance has illuminated,
١. أقول وآنستُ بالليل نارا
لعل سِراجَ الهدى قد أنارا
2. Or else why does the horizon of darkness
Look as if the lightning therein has sparked?
٢. وإلا فما بالُ افق الدجى
كأن سَنَا البرق فيه استطارا
3. While we are veiled in the night,
Why has it suddenly become day?
٣. ونحن من الليل في حندسِ
فما باله قد تَجّلى نهارا
4. This gentle breeze bearing sweet musk -
Did it borrow musk or did the musk borrow its fragrance?
٤. وهذا النسيم شذا المِسك قد
اعير ام المِسك منه استعارا
5. Our mounts used to complain of weariness,
Yet now they have outstripped us in vigor.
٥. وكانت رواحلُنا تشتكي
وجاهاً فقد سابقتنا ابتدارا
6. We used to complain of the hardship of travel,
Yet now we vie in speed with the fastest steeds.
٦. وكنا شَكوناعناء السرُّى
فَعدُنا نبارى سِراعَ المَهارى
7. I think the souls have sensed
The attainment of the love they made their banner.
٧. اظنّ النُّفوسَ قد استَشعرَت
بلوغَ هَوى تخذَته شِعارا
8. Good tidings of the dawn of bliss have told us
That the beloved approaches the sanctuary.
٨. بشائرُ صبحِ السرى آذنت
بأَنَّ الجيبَ تَدانيَ مَزَارا
9. Talk of blessed Tayba passed between us,
So that every heart in the caravan soared.
٩. جرَىَ ذكر طَيبةَ ما بَينَنَا
فلا قَلبَ في الرّكبِ الا وطَارا
10. Yearning for Ahmad Al-Mustafa,
And passion that stirs the ribs to kindle.
١٠. حنيناً إلى أَحمدَ المصطفى
وشوقاً يَهيجُ الضُّلوعَ استِعارا
11. One brilliant with the light of martyrs shone for us,
Illuminating with the light of the martyrs.
١١. ولاح لنا احدٌ مشرقاً
بنورِ من الشُّهداء استِنارا
12. Because of that the darkness lingered
To loosen the knots of the stars scattering.
١٢. فمن اجلِ ذلك ظلَّ الدُجى
يَحُلُّ عقودَ النجومِ انتِثارا
13. Because of that, the breeze made the earth fragrant
As it blew, and the plains spread out in bloom.
١٣. ومن ذلكَ الترب طابَ النّسيم
نشراً وعمَّ الجنابَ انتشارا
14. From the rapture of the throng, it hastened their steps,
Calling to it “To the home, to the home!”
١٤. ومن طرب الركب حثَّ الخطى
اليها ونادى البِدار البِدارا
15. And when we reached the courtyard of the Messenger,
We descended to the most generous of hosts.
١٥. ولما حَللنا فِناء الرّسول
نَزَلنا بأَكرمِ خلقِ جوارا
16. And when we approached to give greetings of peace,
We shortened our steps and observed gravity.
١٦. وحينَ دَنونا لفرض السّلامِ
قَصَرنا الخُطَى ولَزِمنا الوَقارا
17. So we do not glance except by stealth,
Nor raise our eyes except in humility.
١٧. فما نرسل اللحظ الا اختلاسا
ولا نرفَع الطّرف الاّ انكِسَارا
18. Nor show our fervor except concealed,
Nor utter words except in secret.
١٨. ولا نظهِرُ الوَجدَ الا اكتتافاً
ولا نلفِظُ القولَ إلاسرارا
19. Except that our eyes overcome us
With their tears bursting forth uncontrollably.
١٩. سوى اننا لم نطق أَعيناً
بأَدمُعِها غَلبَتنَا انفِجَارا
20. We stood in his garden giving greetings of peace,
Repeating peace upon him time and again.
٢٠. وَقَفنَا بروضَتِه للسّلام
نعيدُ السّلام عليه مرارا
21. Were it not for awe of him in our souls,
We would kiss the earth and cling to the wall.
٢١. ولولا مَهابته في النّفوس
لَثِمنا الثّرى والتزَمنَا الجِدَارا
22. We fulfilled our pilgrimage in his visit,
And completed the greater pilgrimage in our lives.
٢٢. قضينا بزورتنا حجّنا
وبالعُمرينِ خَتمنا اعتِمَارا
23. To you, to you O Prophet of guidance -
I crossed the seas and traversed the barrens.
٢٣. اليك اليك نبي الهُدى
رَكبتُ البِحار وجبتُ القِفارا
24. I left my family without any favor,
Though much apology runs embarrassingly.
٢٤. وفارقتُ أهلي ولا منّةٌ
ورُبَ كَلامِ يَجرُ اعتِذارا
25. How can we refuse one through whom
We hope for forgiveness of misdeeds?
٢٥. وكيفَ نمنُ على من بِه
نُؤَمِل للسّيئات اغتِفارا
26. Hidden love called me to you,
Stirring from passion what it stirred.
٢٦. دَعاني إليك هوى كامِن
أثارَ من الشَّوق ما قد أَثارا
27. So I cried "At your service!", responder to love's call,
For I could not endure patience from you.
٢٧. فناديتُ لبّيك داعي الهوَى
وما كنت عنك اطيقُ اصطِبارا
28. And I resolved myself to the judgment of passion upon me,
And said "I accept the choice."
٢٨. ووطنت نفسي لحكم الهوى
علي وقلتُ رَضِيت اختِيارا
29. I traverse the darkness and tame the journey,
Sleeping only lightly with awareness.
٢٩. اخوض الدجى واروض السرى
ولا أطعمُ النَّوم الا غِرارا
30. And if I were unable to make the trip,
I would fly, even lacking wings.
٣٠. ولو كنت لا استطيع السبيل
لطِرت ولو لم اصادف مَطَارا
31. More deserving than one who gained your pleasure
Is a distant lover who visited you.
٣١. وأجدر من نال منك الرِّضى
محبُ ذُراكَ على البُعد زارا
32. May a glance from you tomorrow
Prepare me a dwelling in the Gardens.
٣٢. عسى لحظةٌ منك لي في غَدٍ
تُمهِّد لي في الجِنان القَرارا
33. None who seek your guidance go astray,
Nor are disappointed those who seek your refuge.
٣٣. فما ضَل من بِهُداك اهتَدى
ولاذلَّ من بذراكَ استجَارا