
Long estrangement and yearning heart

طول اغتراب وبرح شوق

1. Long estrangement and yearning heart
No patience, by God, have I for it

١. طُول اغترابٍ وبَرح شَوقِ
لا صَبرَ والله لي عَلَيه

2. To you I complain of what I face
O best one to whom I complain

٢. اليكَ اشكو الّذي أُلاقِي
يا خَيرَ من يُشتكى إليه

3. In Granada I’ve a beloved
Who holds the pledge fast in his hand

٣. ولي بِغرناطةٍ حَبيب
قد غَلّقَ الرَّهنَ في يَدَيهش

4. I bade him farewell, and he was shedding
Tears that revealed what was in his heart

٤. ودَّعته وهو بارتمَاض
يَظهر لي بعضَ ما لديه

5. If you could see my narcissus bending
To drink amidst his rose’s bowers

٥. فلو تَرى طَلَّ نَرجسيهُ
يَنهَلُّ في وردِ صَفحَتَيه

6. You’d see pearls atop ruby
From his tears above his cheeks

٦. أَبصرتَ دراً على عَقيقٍ
من دَمعِه فوقَ وَجنَتَيهِ