1. The horizon spread out before us as if
It bore witness to his virtues, proofs abounded,
١. أفقيَهنا المستن ديناً والذي
شَهِدت له بالفضل منه شَواهِدُ
2. If you could but see the son of Sa'ada and his boon companion -
Gazelles wandered freely between them.
٢. لو تُبصر ابنَ سعادةِ ونديمه
قد حَلَّ بينهما الغَزالُ الشّارد
3. You would see weight upon you, yet lightness,
Two mountains with languid breeze between.
٣. لرأيتَ من ثِقلٍ عليك وخِفةٍ
جَبلين بينهما نسيمٌ راكد