
O one who is burning with love during separation

يا مسعرا بالعذل أثناء الحشا

1. O one who is burning with love during separation
A love more painful to the soul than flames

١. يا مسعراً بالعذل أثناء الحشا
عذلاً أضر على الجوانح من لظى

2. Happiness is only to accept a smile
A waist which expands the fire of your longing, blazing

٢. ما الوجد إلا أن تقبل مبسماً
خصراً فيوسع نار شوقك ملتظى

3. My determination did not sleep from returning to the beloved
Except I found the youth had awakened it

٣. ما نام عزمي عن معاودة السرى
إلا وجدت من الصبابة موقظا

4. He combined majesty in the radiance of his face
As if he were the resolute, vigilant perfect man

٤. جمع المهابة في طلاقة وجهه
كملاً فكان الحازم المتيقظا

5. I praised him, so his praise will never leave my tongue
I will never speak a day without praising him

٥. وثنا نداه له ثناي فلن أرى
يوماً بغير مديحه متلفظا