
I sent the book, so welcome it

بعثت الكتاب فأهلا به

1. I sent the book, so welcome it
Its beautiful arrangement delights the eyes

١. بعثت الكتاب فأهلاً به
يسر النواظر تنميقه

2. If its adorned gardens put the meadow to shame
Its flowing pearls expose their stringing

٢. لئن أخجل الروض موشيه
لقد فضح الدر منسوقه

3. Unique in style is its composition
Precious in meaning is its compilation

٣. غريب الصناعة تجنيسه
نفيس البضاعة تطبيقه

4. And join me after the long estrangement
As the lover joined the beloved

٤. وواصلني بعد طول الجفا
كما وصل الصب معشوقه

5. So it dispelled my sleeplessness
And returned my branch to blossoming

٥. فزايل جفني تأريقه
وعاود غصني توريقه

6. I remained observing what was written
As the star observes the water-laden rain clouds

٦. وبت أراقب مسطوره
كما راقب النجم عيوقه

7. When its words appeared to me
My thoughts were veiled and composed

٧. فلما بدت لي ألفاظه
تستر فكري وتلفيقه

8. Did it fear exposing what was hidden?
Did it fear revealing what was plagiarized?

٨. أما خاف يهتك مستوره
أما خاف يظهر مسروقه