1. Had I not been burdened with passion,
I would not crave a drink from the cup of wine.
١. ما كنت لولا كلفي بالعذار
أصبو إلى الشرب بكأس العقار
2. The perfume of musk flows on his rosy cheek,
Where water and fire mingle together.
٢. سال كذوب المسك في وجنةٍ
ورديةٍ تجمع ماءً ونار
3. And whatever madness has crept into me,
How could it possibly leave me and go away?
٣. هذا وما دب جنوني به
فكيف أن تم به واستدار
4. Though my eyelids have become languid, I still
Envy people their gaze falling upon him.
٤. وفاتر المقلة ما زلت من
نواظر الخلق عليه أغار
5. His beauty has conquered me, so that
My heart hoped he would shelter it, but he transgressed and did wrong.
٥. ملكته رقي على أنه
يجير قلبي فتعدى وجار
6. Woe to the health of his eyelids,
And the sickness and reddening in them!
٦. ويلاه من صحة أجفانه
وما بها من مرض واحورار
7. And woe to his two cheeks, whenever
The sideburn creeps upon them and revolves!
٧. وآهٍ من وجنتيه كلما
تعقرب الصدغ عليها ودار
8. Is what lies under the black hair
Whiter than what lies under the loose strands?
٨. أهيف ما تحت مزر القبا
أبلج ما تحت مدب العذار
9. It is like a stalk of chamomile, except
The sun at dawn rests upon its top.
٩. مثل قضيب البان لكنه
يحمل في أعلاه شمس النهار
10. And whenever I lose sight of his name,
I find it again in the roses and basil.
١٠. وكلما تاه علي اسمه
وجدته في الورد والجلنار