
O she-camel, if you had witnessed my valor

يا جمل إنك لو شهدت بسالتي

1. O she-camel, if you had witnessed my valor
On a dreadful, tumultuous day of clamor

١. يا جُملُ إِنكِ لَو شَهِدتِ بَسالَتي
في يَومِ هَولٍ مُسدِفٍ وَعَجاجِ

2. And my charging against the lion, fettered,
Until the elders, in the thickets, I discomfited

٢. وَتَقَدُّمي لِليثِ أَرسَفُ موثَقاً
حَتّى أَكابِرَهُ عَلى الأَحراجِ

3. You would have known I am a protector, glorious,
Of a folk’s lineage, erecting edifices inglorious

٣. لَعَلِمتِ إِنّي ذو حِفاظٍ ماجِدٌ
مِن نَسلِ أَقوامٍ ذَوي أَبراجِ

4. Jahm, his brow appears when first seen
Like a torrent of death, bursting, careening

٤. جَهمٌ كَأَنَّ جَبينَهُ لَمّا بَدا
طَبقُ الرَحا مُتَفَجِّرُ الأَثباجِ

5. He charges with two eyes, you’d think in their glow
When he glares with them, the gleam of a lamp’s throw

٥. يَرنو بِناظِرَتَينِ تَحسَبُ فيهِما
لَمّا أَجالَهُما شُعاعَ سِراجِ

6. Doughty, his fangs as if the sheen
Of Indian blades or the shards of a bottle green

٦. شُثنٌ براثِنُهُ كَأَنَّ نُيوبَهُ
زُرقُ المَعابِلِ أَو شَذاةُ زِجاجِ

7. As if embroidered on him is a cloak,
Gleaming white or a garb made of brocade

٧. وَكَأَنَّما خيطَت عَلَيهِ عَباءَةٌ
بَرقاءُ أَو خِلَقٌ مِنَ الديباجِ

8. And when he settles on the bed, he tosses about
And the twittering of chicks in the flutter of his snout

٨. وَلَهُ إِذا وَطِئَ المَهادَ تَنَقُّضٌ
وَلِثَني طَفطَفهِ نَقيقُ دَجاجِ

9. And I knew if I refused his challenge a fight,
I'd not be, among the brave, in their ranks upright

٩. وَعَلِمتُ أَنّي إِن أَبَيتُ نِزالَهُ
أَنّي مِنَ الحجّاجِ لَستُ بِناجِ

10. Two spears poised together, reared by
The mother of death, no longer siring progeny

١٠. قِرنانِ مُحتَضَرانِ قَد رَبَّتهُما
أُمُّ المَنِيَةِ غَيرُ ذاتِ نِتاجِ

11. So I walked, heavily fettered in iron,
With death itself at that point my confiding

١١. فَمَشَيتُ أَرسُفُ في الحَديدِ مُكَبَّلاً
بِالمَوتِ نَفسي عِندَ ذاكَ أُناجي

12. While people among them gloated and peered
Their expressions at me in their throats speared

١٢. وَالناسُ مِنهُم شامتٌ وَعِصابَةٌ
عَبَراتُهُم بي في الحُلوقِ شَواجي

13. When I descended at the mound's base depressed
To deliver the spears' spirits with death's bequest

١٣. لَمّا نَزَلتُ بِحُصِّ أَزبَرَ مُهصِرٍ
لِلقِرنِ أَرواحَ العِدى مَسحاجِ

14. My wont is to descend into combat timeless
For I follow the path of my noble, peerless ancestors

١٤. نازَلتُهُ إِنَّ النِزالَ سَجِيَّتي
إِنّي لمَن سَلَفي عَلى مِنهاجِ

15. So I split his skull, and he fell as if
A pillar collapsed, its summits now adrift

١٥. فَفَلَقتُ هامَتَهُ فَخَرَّ كَأَنَّهُ
أَطُمٌ هَوى مَتقوضَ الأَبراجِ

16. Then I turned, and on my shirt bore witness
To what had passed, its bloodied fibers business

١٦. ثُمَّ اِنثَنَيتُ وَفي قَميصي شاهِدٌ
مِمّا جَرى مِن شاخِبِ الأوداجِ

17. But your prowess, son of Abi Uqayl, transcends it
And excels it in manifold ways explicit

١٧. وَلَبَأسُكَ اِبنَ أَبي عَقيلٍ فَوقَهُ
وَفَضلتَهُ بِخَلائِقٍ أَزواجِ

18. And if death casts me with intent disposed
After that, for your goodness, I am composed

١٨. وَلَئِن قَذَفتَ بي المَنِيَّة عامِداً
إِنّي لِخَيرِكَ بَعدَ ذاكَ لَراجِ

19. The women learned I own ferocity
On the battleground of courage and capacity

١٩. عَلِمَ النِساءُ بِأَنَّني ذو صَولَةٍ
في ساحَةِ الإِلجامِ وَالإِسراجِ

20. The women learned I do not waver
For they trust not the jealousy of husbands

٢٠. عَلِمَ النِساءُ بِأَنَّني لا أَنثَني
إِذ لا يَثِقنَ بَغَيرَةِ الأَزواجِ