
O you who set ablaze the zeal of my heart with your affection,

يا من أبحت حمى قلبي مودته

1. O you who set ablaze the zeal of my heart with your affection,
And made its veins a homeland for it,

١. يا من أبحت حمى قلبي مودته
ومن جعلت له أحشاي أوطانا

2. You sent me verses that delighted me,
And to begin with kindness is the best favor.

٢. أرسلت نحوي أبياتاً طربت بها
والفضل للمبتدي بالفضل إحسانا

3. I strutted around in wonder at their beauty,
Like one quenching thirst with clear wine.

٣. فرحت أختال عجباً من محاسنها
كشارب ظل بالصهباء نشوانا

4. They were gentle and graceful, adorned
With eloquence and embroidered metaphors.

٤. رقت وراقت فجاءت وهي لابسة
من اللاغة والترصيع ألوانا

5. With their prose and verse they related a tale,
With letters that adorned a meadow and garden.

٥. حكت بمنثورها والنظم إذ جمعا
بأحرف حسنت روضاً وبستانا

6. They flowed on the train of robes that adorned them,
Having adorned beauty itself with more beauty.

٦. جرت على جرول أثواب زينتها
إذ أصبحت وهي تكسو الحسن حسانا

7. They appeared, veiling the face of amber,
Leaving the sons of Luqayt stunned.

٧. أضحت تغبر وجه العنبري فما
بنو اللقيطة من ذهل بن شيبانا

8. Ibn Hilal looks upon them by evening,
Telling his father of the flaws he endured.

٨. يمسي لها ابن هلال حين ينظرها
يحكي أباه بما عاناه نقصانا

9. So too does Abdel Hamid, who by morning
Became a slave, dragging the rags of laziness.

٩. كذاك أيضاً لها عبد الحميد غدا
عبداً يجر من التقصير أردانا

10. They came while your slave was immersed in his ailment,
Yet they left him healed, in the best of states.

١٠. أتت وعبدك مغمور بعلته
فغادرته صحيحاً خير ما كانا

11. How could they not banish illness from my body,
When they carried the spirit and basil in youth?

١١. وكيف لا تدفع الأسقام عن جسدي
وهي الصبا حملت روحاً وريحانا

12. If their specter were to return and visit us,
Perhaps it would come by now and then.

١٢. فما على طيفها لو عاد يطرقنا
فربما زار أحياناً وأحيانا

13. So be at peace, O trustee of the faith, excelling
The slander of poets and the fornicator.

١٣. فاسلم وأنت أمين الدين أحسن من
وشى الطروس بمنظوم ومن زانا

14. Let not events pass you by, nor befall
The land you inhabit, O highest of humanity.

١٤. ولا تخطت إليك الحادثات ولا
حلت بربعك يا أعلى الورى شانا