
O Abu Khalid, you have stirred a bitter war,

أبا خالد قد هجت حربا مريرة

1. O Abu Khalid, you have stirred a bitter war,
And a hostile war has rolled up its sleeves, so roll yours up too.

١. أَبا خالِدٍ قَد هِجتَ حَرباً مَريرَةً
وَقَد شَمَّرَت حَربٌ عَوانٌ فَشَمِّرِ

2. For the rule of the Marwanids has certainly vanished,
And if you were not aware of this, then become aware!

٢. فَإِنَّ بَني مَروانَ قَد زالَ مُلكُهُم
فَإِن كُنتَ لَم تَشعُر بِذلِكَ فَاِشعُرِ

3. So die with glory or live with honor, for if you die
With your famed sword in your hand, you will be excused.

٣. فَمُت ماجِداً أَو عِش كَريماً فَإِن تَمُت
وَسَيفُكَ مَشهورٌ بِكَفِّكَ تُعذَرِ