
Ask the neighbor of dew about the beautiful girl of his camp

سل جيرة البان عن حسناء ناديه

1. Ask the neighbor of dew about the beautiful girl of his camp
And recite to my heart, and let it know that it is in it

١. سل جيرة البان عن حسناء ناديه
وانشُد فؤادي فعلمي أنه فيه

2. And excuse the one who averts from the valley of thorns if she gets annoyed with me
For she has moved the meaning of my situations

٢. واعذر عواطل وادي الشيح إن نفرت
عني فقد نقلت معنى حواليه

3. And ask the bushes if my liver shed tears
So it obtained it, so its crying gave rise to what was in it

٣. واستخبر الأيك هل صبَّ البكا كبدي
فنالها فبُكاها زاع من فيه

4. And help with the souls of Najd the anguished soul
That was about to climb from longing over its climbing

٤. وانجِدْ بأرواح نجدٍ روح مكتئبٍ
كادت من الشوق ترقى عن تراقيه

5. And if the gazelle disappears from a silent beloved
Display with the mention of intent, so the tears show it

٥. وإن توارى الحيا عن حي كاظمةٍ
عرِّض بذكر النوى فالدمع يبديه

6. And recall the beautiful days of mine which passed
On the lowland if you want us to cry and narrate it

٦. واذكر محاسن أيامي التي سلفت
في السفح إن شئت أن نبكي فنرويه

7. And thank the bend of the racecourse even if she left
The soul of the lover roaming from its cribs

٧. واشكر مهى جيرة المسعى وإن تركت
روح المتيَّم تسعى من أماقيه

8. And stick to the covenant of the neighbors of Al-Aqeeq even if
They changed so the tears of the eyes flow it

٨. واثبت على عهد جيران العقيق وإن
جاروا فأصبح دمع العين يجريه

9. A valley, when the night makes its visitor go astray
It is not guided by anything other than the visions of its songs

٩. وادٍ إذا ما أضل الليلُ قاصدَه
لا يهتدي بسوى ريّا غوانيه

10. The lips of the chaste women sprouted over its planets
And the flashes of singing girls over their pens

١٠. نابت ثغور العذارى عن كواكبه
وبارقات الغيارى عن مذاكيه

11. The sun of morning disappears from the dimples of his flexuosities
When it appears to a poured drink from his melodies

١١. تغيب شمس الضحى من نقع فتينه
إذا تراءت لصبٍّ من مغانيه

12. He visits him while the white swords make him laugh
And it bows while the black eyes cry him

١٢. يزوره والسيوف البيض تضحكه
وينثني والعيون السود تبكيه

13. O the perplexity of the lost hoping for its guidance
From his eyes so the eyes of the eye seduce it

١٣. وا حيرةَ التائه الراجي هدايته
من عينه فعيون العين تغويه

14. No day was more wholesome than it passed in it and no
Sweeter cups of juice there were for me in it

١٤. ما كان أملح عصراً مرَّ فيه وما
أحلى كؤوس عصيرٍ كنَّ لي فيه

15. And the mistress of beauty clads my liver with sorrows
As if with the flame of her cheek, she kindles it

١٥. وربة الحسن توري باللمى كبدي
كأنها بلهيب الخد تذكيه

16. After my estrangement from her features, I became
Hugging the dew deludedly comparing it to her

١٦. أصبحت بعد بعادي عن شمائلها
أعانق البان مغروراً بتشبيه

17. And I ask the winds about the fragrance of her pillows
And I honor the beautiful women due to my longing for their depictions

١٧. وأسأل الراح عن ريا مراشفها
وأُكرمُ الريمَ من شوقي لحاكيه

18. So O may Allah water a garden of her charms
Which cannot be harvested except by an eye that violates it

١٨. فيا رعى اللَه روضاً من محاسنها
لا يجتنيه بغير العين جانيه

19. And O may Allah water a rose that he used to plant
On her cheek with my sight and the tears irrigate it

١٩. ويا سقى اللَه ورداً كان يغرسه
في خدها بصري والدمع يسقيه

20. There is no sun like you O Layla and no
Righteous man like Al-Kharshid and sea with its coasts

٢٠. لا شمس مثلك يا ليلى ولا سمِحٌ
برٌّ كخرشيد بحرٌ في معاطيه

21. The gems are not threaded except from her necklaces
And they are not dispersed except by her hands

٢١. لا ينظم الدر إلّا من فواقره
ولا يُفرَّق إلّا من أياديه

22. To Al-Walid who set out to the offspring of the Noble Sanctuary thus
The Nobe Sanctuary was happy running to its ruler

٢٢. والٍ سرى لذرى القدس الشريف فكا
د القدس من فرح يسعى لواليه

23. Had it not been for the pillars of forbearance that hold him back
His wrath would have demolished the firmest foundations

٢٣. لولا رواسخ حلم منه تمسكه
مادت لهيبته أرسى رواسيه

24. He runs so the deaths run from his weapons
While the mercy of Allah runs in his pursuits

٢٤. يسعى فتسعى المنايا من مناصله
ورحمة اللَه تسعى في مساعيه

25. No spots flourished except by his attainments
And no innovations were eradicated except by his endeavors

٢٥. ما أمرعت بقعٌ إلّا بنائله
واستُنزِعت بدعٌ إلّا بماضيه

26. He rules and passes away while nothing assists him
Except destiny and fear of Allah his judge

٢٦. يقضي ويمضي ولا شيءٌ يؤازره
إلّا القضاء وخوف اللَه قاضيه

27. Resolve is his lightning, prudence is his standard
And might his platoon regarding what preoccupies him

٢٧. العزم بارقه والحزم بيرقه
والبأس فيلقه فيما يعانيه

28. While justice is his mantle, favor is his jewelry
The judgment is his word and generosity his narrator

٢٨. والعدل حلته والفضل حليته
والفصل كلمته والبذل راويه

29. He excelled the past and present of the land
And none equal to him is found in it

٢٩. ساد البرية ماضيها وحاضرها
وليس يوجد فيها من يساويه

30. The likes of him while Damascus envies him
And all of Damascus from his fiercest enemies

٣٠. من مثله ودمشق الشام تغبطه
والشام أجمع من أعدى أعاديه

31. The land did not stand by the rights of Allah
In deterring its immorality except through his hands

٣١. وما غدت بحقوق اللَه قائمةً
في صدِّ فُجَّرِها إلّا أياديه

32. And how much he ignited a sun to sprinkle it
Then extinguished it with a crescent from his dwellings

٣٢. وكم وكم بعثت شمساً لترشيه
وردَّها بهلال من مواضيه

33. He returned from it with an unperturbed heart
To the wrongdoers and a soul characterized with purification

٣٣. وعاد عنها بقلب غير منقلبٍ
للظالمين ونفس ذات تنزيه

34. The most truthful striding place and most honorable assembly
And most merciful embrace are his wishers

٣٤. خلالُ أصدقِ قمقامٍ وأعرقِ مق
دامٍ وأرفقِ ضرغامٍ براجيه

35. If one who praises him transgresses Allah’s rights
He executes retaliation upon him before his antagonist

٣٥. إذا تعدى حقوقَ اللَه مادحُه
أجرى القصاص عليه قبل شانيه

36. His envious critic departs like the one with impaired vision
As if he throws him with the rays of the sun

٣٦. يروح عنه كليلَ الطرفِ حاسدُه
كأنه بشعاع الشمس يرميه

37. So what a hero whose status has no sin
Rather his deeds adorn him that satisfy his Creator

٣٧. فيا له بطلاً ما شانه زللٌ
بل زانه عملٌ يرضاه باريه

38. He is the most ardent of worshippers, most knowledgeable and comprehension of them regarding favors
And most cognizant of them of the deviations

٣٨. أذكى العباد وأدراهم وأدركهم
للمكرمات وألواهم عن التيه

39. The bewildered world has not deduced his idea
Except that it saw what the unseen conceals in it

٣٩. ما استقدح العالمُ الحيرانُ فكرتَهُ
إلّا رأى ما بصدر الغيب يخفيه

40. It is as if Adam entrusted him with the orphans
So they do not lack except from his coasts

٤٠. كأن آدم بالأيتام وكَّلَه
فما يقاتون إلّا من معاطيه

41. Had it not been prohibited in Allah’s scripture
It would have been among his prohibitions

٤١. لو لم تكن في كتاب اللَه ناهيةٌ
عن الحرام لكانت من مناهيه

42. Glorified is the Giver who gave him from his descendants a perfect and completed moon
And a sun of happiness that resembles it

٤٢. سبحان واهبه من نسله قمراً
تمّاً وشمس رغاديدٍ تحاكيه

43. Brothers of honesty but they have no brother to them
In kindness and grace, if I said their seeds

٤٣. إخوان صدقٍ ولكن لا أخاً لهما
في اللطف والظرف لا قلت ذراريه

44. If the expelled one invokes with their names his Lord
He would reward him and avoid his equals

٤٤. إن يدع باسمهما المطرودُ ربَّهما
أثابه وتخلَّى عن مساويه

45. For Suleiman is not but like Fatima
In her beauty while she equals him in piety

٤٥. فما سليمان إلّا مثل فاطمة
في حسنها وهي بالتقوى تساويه

46. Allah gave both of them the fortune of their names, may He
Give them long lives that do not make them wretched

٤٦. أعطاهما اللَه حظ اسميهما فعسى
يعطيهما طول عمرٍ ليس يشقيه

47. O father of the outstanding and pole of praise pay attention
And take pride in the sanctity you possesses

٤٧. أبا الفراقد بل قطب المحامد ته
وافخر بحوزة قدس أنت ثانيه

48. And accept the drunk woman; no letter did she utter
That obscures a meaning from its meanings

٤٨. واقبل مخدرة حسناء ما لفظت
حرفاً وأشكل معنى من معانيه

49. Forgiving the poor poet of wonder saying
How much the past left for its sequels

٤٩. تغادر الشاعر النحرير من عجبٍ
يقول كم ترك الماضي لتاليه

50. She called and your light guides her dating
O planet of sanctity, shed blood of pride for its club

٥٠. نادت ونورك يهديها مؤرخةً
يا كوكب القدس دم فخراً لناديه