
Blessed is he who exalted his noble law

تبارك من أعلا شريعته الغرا

1. Blessed is he who exalted his noble law,
And sent it down as light upon the owner of the night journey.

١. تبارك من أعلا شريعته الغرا
وأنزلها نوراً على صاحب الإسرى

2. And deposited in our Master the Caliph his love for it,
So he built for it a palace in every limb.

٢. وأودع مولانا الخليفة حبها
فشاد لها في كل جارحة قصرا

3. An Imam who saw the true religion before him,
So he enacted in that which pleases Him prohibition and command.

٣. إمامٌ رأى الدين الحنيف أمامه
فأعمل في مرضاته النهي والأمرا

4. And made obligatory for the two abodes a right and sanctity,
So he did not diminish the first nor oppressed the last.

٤. وأوجب للدارين حقاً وحرمةً
فما بخس الأولى ولا ظلم الأخرى

5. With that God elevated the banner of his reign,
And supported him and chose him as a treasure for mankind.

٥. بذلك أعلى اللَه راية ملكه
وأيده واختاره للورى ذخرا

6. And made him pious with knowledge, wisdom and devotion,
And deposited in him determination, resolve and pride.

٦. وورَّعه بالعلم والحلم والتقى
وأودع فيه الحزم والعزم والفخرا

7. Whenever war dragged its leg for the victory
Of the religion of God with the red banner,

٧. إذا شمرت عن ساقها الحرب ساقها
لنصرة دين اللَه بالراية الحمرا

8. And if the enemies stretched their necks for peace,
He forgave and removed from it fear and poverty.

٨. وإن أتلعت للسلم أعناقها العدى
عفا ونفى عنها المخافة والفقرا

9. O goodness of a virtuous, generous and munificent ruler,
Who brings near his kindness the free man and the slave.

٩. فيا حسنه من عاهلٍ فاضلٍ سخٍ
يقرب من إحسانه العبد والحرا

10. The best of the sons of Uthman in worth and capability,
And the sweetest of them in flowers and the most fragrant in scattering.

١٠. أجل بني عثمان قدراً وقدرةً
وأعذبهم ورداً وأطيبهم نشرا

11. And the purest of them in train and the most generous of hand,
And the most abundant in knowledge and the most grateful.

١١. وأطهرهم ذيلاً وأكرمهم يداً
وأغزرهم علماً وأكثرهم شكرا

12. He confounded the one who equated his oath with the sea,
And went astray, the one who equated his young camel with Canopus.

١٢. هجاه الذي بالبحر قاس يمينه
وضل الذي ساوى بغرته الشعرى

13. The young camel of the Master is not but the young camel of guidance,
And his hand is none other than the hand of great mercy.

١٣. فما غرة المولى سوى غرة الهدى
وما يده إلّا يد الرحمة الكبرى

14. For the likes of you gratitude is guided, O fender of enemies,
From the red banner in es-Sa'dah es-Samraa.

١٤. لمثلك يهدى الحمد يا ناثر العدى
عن الراية الحمراء بالصعدة السمرا

15. And our praise is not the praise of one who knows pretense,
But it is the praise of one who is ignorant of guile.

١٥. وما حمدنا حمد امرئٍ يعرف الريا
ولكنه حمد امرئٍ يجهل الخترا

16. And I hope from God, the Praised, for His servant,
Over every betraying servant, victory and triumph.

١٦. ويرجو من اللَه الحميد لعبده
على كل عبد خانه الفوز والنصرا

17. You remained an imam, just, the world is unable,
Whenever He wills, to attain comprehension of his noble traits.

١٧. بقيت إماماً عادلاً يعجز الورى
إذا شاء من إدراك أوصافه العشرا

18. And you still are for the life and religion a bright star,
Beautiful and radiant, excelling the sun and the moon.

١٨. ولا زلت للدنيا وللدين كوكباً
بهيّاً سنيّاً يفضل الشمس والبدرا

19. And you continued wanting good for all people,
Especially the lords of your noble state.

١٩. ودمت تريد الخير للناس كلها
ولا سيما أرباب دولتك الغرا