
My behavior was not as you had assumed it to be

ليس السلو كما قد خلت من شيمي

1. My behavior was not as you had assumed it to be
I am patient in both joy and sorrow so pass your judgment on me

١. ليس السلو كما قد خلتِ من شيمي
أنا الصبور على الحالين فاحتكمي

2. I did not betray the covenant of love in my youth
So how could I after the onset of grey hair and old age

٢. ما خنت عهد الهوى العذريِّ في صغري
فكيف بعد حلول الشيب والهرم

3. O dwellers of Salam, you have scorched my liver
God be with me and with her, O dwellers of Salam

٣. يا ساكني سلَمٍ أحرقتم كبدي
اللَه بي وبها يا ساكني سلم

4. How to get free of a night that keeps me awake
Yearning for those taller than it and its branches

٤. كيف التخلص من ليلٍ يؤرقني
شوقاً لأطول منه من فروعهم

5. My eyes were robbed of sleep by a Bedouin woman
Whose killing gaze is that of a foreigner

٥. ومن لعيني بأعرابيةٍ نهبت
نوم العيون بعين فتكها عجمي

6. She calls the doves when their feathers touch her
Until he seems to whisper to her mouth to mouth

٦. تدعو الحمام إذا ماست معاطفها
حتى يكاد يناجيها فماً لفم

7. If she were to become a Hindu, she would deny
The thought of another husband after the death of her spouse

٧. لو نولت ريقها هنديةً كفرت
ما فكَّرت بعد موت البعل بالضرم

8. Time passed and she was not tortured by blessings
And she found sweet my words of refusal and blame

٨. مر الزمان ولم تعذب لها نعمٌ
واستعذبت لعذابي قول لا ولَمِ

9. It's not me, O people, who tortured her
It's me who's killed by what I approved of her whims

٩. ليست معذبتي يا قوم قاتلتي
أنا القتيل بما استحسنت من هيمي

10. It's not her watching eyes that spilled my blood
Far from it! My own eyes spilled my blood

١٠. وما أراق دمي المسفوك ناظرها
حاشاه إن عيوني السافكات دمي

11. Like the envious one whose arrow of jealousy
Does not come from the swords of the brave heroes

١١. مثل الحسود الذي من سهم غيرته
لا من صوارمِ عبودِ الهمامِ رُمِي

12. My master Abu Al-Fadl insisted on accompanying him
So he did not stay in any place where he did not stay

١٢. مولىً أبى الفضلُ إلّا أن يلازمه
فلم يقم بمكان فيه لم يقم

13. To God he is an angel riding a horse
And a speaking star walking on feet

١٣. للَه منه ملاكٌ يرتقي فرساً
وكوكبٌ ناطقٌ يسعى على قدم

14. He rides faster than lightning when awaited
He runs faster than a startled wild camel

١٤. أسرى وأسرع من برق لمنتظر
أجرى وأجرع من ضرغامة الأجم

15. He has a hand that puts oceans to shame with generosity
A blooming and fading hand with the pen

١٥. له يدٌ تخجل الأبحار بالكرم ال
زخار والذابل الخطار بالقلم

16. He has become the circle of kindness and generosity
Whose pillar of height would not have lasted without him

١٦. أضحى لدائرة المعروف والكرم ال
موصوف قطب عُلاً لولاه لم تَدُم

17. I gift you O heir of Bahri a neck
For the neck of glory that gifts the essence of wisdom

١٧. أهديك يا خلف البحري عاتقةً
لعاتق المجد تهدي جوهر الحكم

18. If you accept it, the acceptance will be
Higher and more precious than ruby in value

١٨. إذا قبلت بها كان القبول لها
أعلى وأغلى من الياقوت في القيم

19. Your power still strikes awe and fear in your enemies
And your person remains beloved by all nations

١٩. لا زال بأسك مرهوباً وضدك مغ
لوباً وشخصك محبوباً من الأمم