
Ibrahim Al-Shahim married a radiant bride

تزوج الشهم إبراهيم غانية

1. Ibrahim Al-Shahim married a radiant bride
As if she was created from a mine of light

١. تزوج الشهم إبراهيم غانيةً
كأنها خلقت من معدن النور

2. The narcissus of her eyes seems to tell her
Adorn this cheek, my rose, adorn it

٢. يكاد نرجس عينيها يقول لها
جوري فخدك هذا ورده جوري

3. We told him, her face's whiteness is attributed
To the full moon, and her hair called daughter of Hoor

٣. قلنا له وبياض الوجه ينسبها
للبدر والشعر يدعوها ابنة الخوري

4. Arise and string the pearls into a date, and gift it to her
Perhaps this Maryam is a daughter of Houris

٤. قم أنظم الدر تاريخاً وهبه لها
لعل مريم هذه ابنة الحور